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Hey all,
I have a curious graphic whose render will result in a frame which is
symetrical left and right. The complicated lighting and reflections I
employed make a 7 hour render not unacceptable, but surely unwanted. If I
could just render half and then duplicate it and flip it, I could save 4.5
hours. But I seem to devise a method of doing so. My rotating the camera to
only view half, I change the focal point and the perspectives all shift. I
am failing to summon the technical terms to describe this phenomena, but
for those of you who understand what I am speaking of and perhaps how to
leave my camera in place, while only rendering part of the frame, I would
appreciate any advice you could offer.
Jared Chung
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Jared wrote:
>Hey all,
>I have a curious graphic whose render will result in a frame which is
>symetrical left and right. The complicated lighting and reflections I
>employed make a 7 hour render not unacceptable, but surely unwanted. If I
>could just render half and then duplicate it and flip it, I could save 4.5
>hours. But I seem to devise a method of doing so. My rotating the camera to
>only view half, I change the focal point and the perspectives all shift. I
>am failing to summon the technical terms to describe this phenomena, but
>for those of you who understand what I am speaking of and perhaps how to
>leave my camera in place, while only rendering part of the frame, I would
>appreciate any advice you could offer.
I am not sure if it solves your problem,
but if you use POV-Ray for Windows, you
can start a rendering and then stop it.
Then you can just select a region in the
rendering window with the mouse. POV-Ray
will then render this region only.
IIRC you can also give POV-Ray command
line options to achieve the same, but I
have not done this. (So you may want to
read about it in the manual.)
Tor Olav
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From: Thorsten Froehlich
Subject: Re: Only rendering part of a frame
Date: 27 Dec 2002 21:18:17
Message: <3e0d09e9@news.povray.org>
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In article <web.3e0d0075d2a34a27d655a8f0@news.povray.org> , "Tor Olav
Kristensen" <tor### [at] hotmail com> wrote:
> I am not sure if it solves your problem,
> but if you use POV-Ray for Windows, you
> can start a rendering and then stop it.
> Then you can just select a region in the
> rendering window with the mouse. POV-Ray
> will then render this region only.
He could just read the manual sections about the partial render options
(probably you should do the same) to find out how to specify only a part of
an image can be rendered.
Documentation section " Partial Output Options", online at
Thorsten Froehlich, Duisburg, Germany
e-mail: tho### [at] trf de
Visit POV-Ray on the web: http://mac.povray.org
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