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I have been searching for the best way to get detailed depth information out
of POV-Ray (besides editing the source code). The following code works if
the Depth_Texture is applied to every object. However, since child objects
do not inherit parent texture, how can I plop this texture onto everything?
#declare Depth_Texture = texture
scale 655.35 //depth resolution = 0.01 [units]
phase 0
ambient 1
diffuse 0
specular 0
reflection 0
translate Camera_Origin
#declare World = union
//many objects with textures . . .
texture{Depth_Texture} //does not replace child textures :(
David Diel
ddi### [at] mit edu
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What I've done once is to make a small macro like:
#declare Use_Texture=on;
#macro T(Texture)
#if (Use_Texture)
This also works if you just replace Texture with Material and
the texture{...} with material{}. Just make sure you actually
give a texture or a material definition with the macro, or POV
will stop and issue an error.
Then, when ever you need the depth-texture to be used,
you just declare Use_Texture to off, and voila! The Macro
uses the Depth-Texture (My_Default_Texture) instead of
the given Texture.
This is hard to add, but actually you can do a search and
replace like:
Search: " texture{" <- Notice the freespace in front!
Replace: " T(texture{"
In this manner, you can easily put the "T(" in front of the
texture statements, then, you just search for the "T(" and
add the closing bracket after the texture.
I used in one scene right from the beginning, so it might be
a little intensive to add later on, but it might help you...
Tim Nikias
Homepage: http://www.digitaltwilight.de/no_lights/index.html
Email: Tim### [at] gmx de
"David" <nomail@nomail> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> I have been searching for the best way to get detailed depth information
> of POV-Ray (besides editing the source code). The following code works if
> the Depth_Texture is applied to every object. However, since child
> do not inherit parent texture, how can I plop this texture onto
> /*---depth.ini---*/
> Output_File_Type=P
> Bits_Per_Color=16
> Input_File_Name=depth.pov
> /*---END---*/
> /*---depth.pov---*/
> #declare Depth_Texture = texture
> {
> pigment
> {
> spherical
> scale 655.35 //depth resolution = 0.01 [units]
> phase 0
> }
> finish
> {
> ambient 1
> diffuse 0
> specular 0
> reflection 0
> }
> translate Camera_Origin
> }
> #declare World = union
> {
> //many objects with textures . . .
> }
> object
> {
> World
> texture{Depth_Texture} //does not replace child textures :(
> }
> /*---END---*/
> Thanks,
> David Diel
> ddi### [at] mit edu
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Unfortunately there's no currently any way of replacing all textures
in all objects in the current scene automatically.
You either will have to change them all manually, or use a patch which
supports outputting depth information (eg. MegaPov had such patch).
#macro M(A,N,D,L)plane{-z,-9pigment{mandel L*9translate N color_map{[0rgb x]
[1rgb 9]}scale<D,D*3D>*1e3}rotate y*A*8}#end M(-3<1.206434.28623>70,7)M(
-1<.7438.1795>1,20)M(1<.77595.13699>30,20)M(3<.75923.07145>80,99)// - Warp -
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I appreciate the comments so far. I would love to hear more ideas. In the
following work-around, I exploit the fact that two textures can be stored
for every object, one interior, and one exterior. Child objects must lack
an interior texture for this to work. Beginning with the set of objects
called World, and the Depth_Texture mentioned previously, use the following
statement to get depth information:
I'm curious why depth is not an output option or camera option? It should
be easy to calculate, and it is useful for academic studies of image
David Diel
ddi### [at] mit edu
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In article <web.3df12dfb28766bdeac64e6620@news.povray.org>,
"David" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> I'm curious why depth is not an output option or camera option? It should
> be easy to calculate, and it is useful for academic studies of image
> motion.
Easier than that, it is already calculated, all you have to do is output
the depth values instead of calculating textures and lighting. I did
this as one of my earliest patches, Ron Parker did a similar patch, and
the post_process patch in MegaPOV had a fiilter that output the depth
data, though it didn't skip the texture and lighting calculations.
The post_process patch wasn't ready for an official release, and it
would be pointless to add one of the other implementations when it would
only get replaced with something else in the future.
Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlink net>
POV-Ray TAG: chr### [at] tag povray org
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After using the inversion method for quite a while, I found that it doesn't
work with primitive patch (2D) objects. Go figure. It should be so easy
to output depth. Can this please, please be added to the next official
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In article <web.3e9b248428766bdefff4d2090@news.povray.org>,
"David" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> After using the inversion method for quite a while, I found that it doesn't
> work with primitive patch (2D) objects. Go figure. It should be so easy
> to output depth. Can this please, please be added to the next official
> release?
Just put if statements in your scene to change between textures. If you
define all your textures separately, you can do it with one if-else
Odds of it being in the next official release are low, but it will
probably get into MegaPOV.
Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlink net>
POV-Ray TAG: chr### [at] tag povray org
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