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Ok, what I am doing is rendering shadows on an all white .tga file from a
..tga height map. The output file is completely white, but when I render it
renders on a green surface. The path is correct and I can't find whats
causing this to happen. Thanks alot for any help.
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In article <web.3de3ceb45f9dcea46014bf990@news.povray.org>,
"Jared" <jlo### [at] cableone net> wrote:
> Ok, what I am doing is rendering shadows on an all white .tga file from a
> ..tga height map. The output file is completely white, but when I render it
> renders on a green surface. The path is correct and I can't find whats
> causing this to happen. Thanks alot for any help.
Some scene code and a clearer description of what you're doing would
help. Your message was quite confusing and difficult to understand.
You are trying to make an image of a white height field, output to TGA
format, using another TGA image as input to the height field? And the
problem is that the height field is green instead of white? If this is
what you meant, the problem is most likely just that you have a green
texture on your height field instead of a white one. I'd need to see the
code with the problem to tell you how to correct it.
Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlink net>
POV-Ray TAG: chr### [at] tag povray org
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If you specify a green texture and get a white image,
maybe your light is too bright.
<0.4,1,0.4> (light greeen)
*3 (bright light)
truncated to
<1,1,1> (white)
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