Hi everyone...
Just wanted to introduce myself coz I will popup more often.
I am a French guy living in Kenya since now 5 years and I am a POV user
since now two years. I have the chance to work in a big institutions (UN)
which has a high speed connection compare to the standard ISP connection
speed in Kenya.
So the last two years, I had the possibility to be online most of the day
and to learn useful open source software, and POVray was the first one that
I used - really the first first one when I was still a total newbie in PC -
since, I visited a lot of POVsite. My rendering production has been quite
low but I have a lot of WIP and since the version 3.5 is out, I am feeling
ready to be again POVsick !!
You can see my website (in Flash and in construction - so many broken links,
sorry !) at :
- http://www.webkenya.com/ to fly by over a 3D map of Kenya using POVray3.1
and 3DEM70 to change the gradient of the satellite pictures and get an nice
smooth heighfield.
- http://www.webkenya.com/multimedia/webmaster.html (Go to Gallery) to see
the few raytracing I have.
- http://www.webkenya.com/conserve_finalb.jpg and this is my last POVwork.
Just one query for you :
- I downloaded Xnews but I getting really confused (since I never used such
programs). Is there a way to configure the proxyserverURL in Xnews. It
seems there is no connection setting and it cannot get the connection?
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On Thu, 24 Oct 2002 05:32:12 EDT lieven_ke wrote:
>Just wanted to introduce myself coz I will popup more often.
>I am a French guy living in Kenya since now 5 years and I am a POV user
>since now two years. I have the chance to work in a big institutions (UN)
>which has a high speed connection compare to the standard ISP connection
>speed in Kenya.
Welcome to the POV-Ray news groups, Tommy.
I don't know if you already knew this, but POV-Ray 3.5 is now out of
beta. Have fun raytracing!
ako### [at] povray org
a k o n g <at> p o v r a y <dot> o r g
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