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I have converted the PDF html documentation into PDF. It's not perfect, but
allows for easier searching. It's about 10mB in size, and can be downloaded
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It looks great, I've been wanting to print out the POV-Ray documentation for
some time now and this makes it very easy to do so. Thanks!
"Kaveh" <kav### [at] focalimage com> wrote in message
> I have converted the PDF html documentation into PDF. It's not perfect,
> allows for easier searching. It's about 10mB in size, and can be
> from:
> http://homepage.mac.com/kaveh1000/FileSharing63.html
> Kaveh
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Paragon wrote:
>It looks great, I've been wanting to print out the POV-Ray documentation for
>some time now and this makes it very easy to do so. Thanks!
Happy to have made a minute contribution to POV-Ray, which I am getting
addicted to!
I also have a version which is designed for screen, i.e. pages are
landscape. But it has no bookmarks. I find this easier to read on screen. I
will start uploading this now.
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I have uploaded a screen version:
No bookmarks, but landscape pages, so easier to read on screen.
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