My long subject line screwed up my post. When I tried to reply to apologize,
the reply went into a new thread with the same problem...the message body
is chopped off.
In my original post I said that meshes will allow in interior_texture
statement, but if even one triangle is textured individually, the entire
back of the mesh reverts to the exterior texture. Would this be considered
a bug?
Sorry again.
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Incidentally, I found another bizarre texture behavior involving triangles:
Render this sample with the scale commented out and then again with it in.
Anyone understand why this happens?
location <0,1,-10>
color rgb<1,1,1>
<-1,-1,0> <1,-1,0> <0,1,0>
texture{pigment{color rgb<1,0,0>}}
interior_texture{pigment{color rgb<0,1,0>}}
rotate <0,180,0>
//scale <1,1,1>
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