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I've been searching for this for a while, so either I don't know
how to search for it, or it's not asked as often as I'd think.
I have a very round object made up of the intersection/union of
several toruses and spheres. I wish to find it's maximum
diameter in the XZ plane...
It strikes me that that should be very easy to do, but I can't
seem to wrap my mind around "Calculating the closest
intersection" from the pov docs.
Is there an easy way to find the diameter by shooting the object
with a couple rays? Or am I better off trying to figure out the
complicated geometry of the thing?
If riding in an airplane is flying, then riding in a boat is swimming.
50 jumps, 15.0 minutes of freefall, 31.3 ff vertical miles.
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Jettero Heller wrote:
> I have a very round object made up of the intersection/union of
> several toruses and spheres. I wish to find it's maximum
> diameter in the XZ plane...
max_extent and min_extent should get you close -
Ken Tyler
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Wasn't it Ken who wrote:
>Jettero Heller wrote:
>> I have a very round object made up of the intersection/union of
>> several toruses and spheres. I wish to find it's maximum
>> diameter in the XZ plane...
>max_extent and min_extent should get you close -
That only gives you the size of the bounding box that POV generates. In
the case of intersections, I believe that POV uses the intersection of
the bounding boxes of the components. This can be a very loose fit in
some circumstances.
For example, consider this:
camera {location <0.45,2,0.45> look_at <0.45,0,0.45>}
background {rgb 1}
light_source {<-30, 100, -30> color rgb 1}
#declare THING =
intersection {
torus {1,0.22 translate <0.9,0,0>}
torus {1,0.22 translate <0,0,0.9>}
torus {1,0.22}
pigment {rgb 1}
object {THING}
box {min_extent(THING),max_extent(THING)
pigment {rgbt <1,0,0,0.9>}
The pink box shows the min_extent and max_extent size, but the actual
intersection object is very much smaller.
It would be tricky to use trace() on this object unless you already had
a clue about where the tori intersect. If you just trace() rays through
the centre of the bounding box, then most such rays miss the object
I tried writing some code that did a horizontal scan, using trace to
find the greatest diameter in the x direction, then rotated around the
centre point of that diameter, tracing for the greatest diameter in any
direction. In this particular case, such a scan miserably fails to find
the overall maximum diameter.
Mike Williams
Gentleman of Leisure
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In article <d0m### [at] econym demon co uk>, Mike Williams wrote:
> box {min_extent(THING),max_extent(THING)
> pigment {rgbt <1,0,0,0.9>}
> }
I've never heard of these extents... They got me fairly close.
> It would be tricky to use trace() on this object unless you ...
The shape isn't very irregular, so it shouldn't be difficult to
tune the trace -- if I had any idea how to use it. I don't
understand how to use trace at all. I would really appreciate an
I just re-read the trace section and didn't really even turn up a
hint as to how to call/use the macro.
If riding in an airplane is flying, then riding in a boat is swimming.
50 jumps, 15.0 minutes of freefall, 31.3 ff vertical miles.
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"Jettero Heller" <pov### [at] voltar-confed org> wrote in message
news:slr### [at] corky voltar-confed org...
> I just re-read the trace section and didn't really even turn up a
> hint as to how to call/use the macro.
Really? (
Here's an example that returns the Max and Min values for Z for a sphere
centered at 0 when traced from a negative z direction
(as you would expect, the max value is a little less than 0, since the trace
cannot hit the other side of the sphere where z would be a positive value).
#declare Thing = sphere{0,1} //an object to perform the trace on
#declare MyX = -10; // start x position for trace
#declare MinZ = 100; // a silly value
#declare MaxZ = -100; // another silly value
#declare StepX = 0.001; // how much to increase the x position by on each trace
#declare Towards = <0,0,1>; // direction to trace towards
#declare MyNormal = <0,0,0>; // a vector to hold the returned normal
#while(MyX < 10) // a while loop
#declare From = <MyX, 0, -10>; // set the initial vector for the trace
#declare MyTrace = trace(Thing, From, Towards, MyNormal); // do the trace
#if(vlength(MyNormal)!=0) // check that the normal isn't <0,0,0> (which would
mean that we missed the object)
#debug concat("Z=", str(MyTrace.z, 0,5), "\n") //output the current z value
#if(MyTrace.z < MinZ) #declare MinZ = MyTrace.z; #end // record a new min if
#if(MyTrace.z > MaxZ) #declare MaxZ = MyTrace.z; #end // recored a new max
if appropriate
#declare MyX = MyX+StepX; // increment the x-trace position for the next pass
#debug concat("Min Z = ", str(MinZ, 0, 5), "\n") // output the min value for z
that was found
#debug concat("Max Z = ", str(MaxZ, 0, 5), "\n") // output the max value for z
that was found
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In article <40321114$1@news.povray.org>, Tom Melly wrote:
>> I just re-read the trace section and didn't really even turn up a
>> hint as to how to call/use the macro.
> Really? (
No, 4.2.8. is awesome. I miss the old documentation
search, I was awesome at it. The new google one is less
pov-specific. couldn't be any clearer, thanks.
I also found a way to use min and max_extent to find the edges.
So now I have two solutions,
Thanks everyone.
If riding in an airplane is flying, then riding in a boat is swimming.
50 jumps, 15.0 minutes of freefall, 31.3 ff vertical miles.
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