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On Sat, 01 May 2004 15:55:45 +1000, Paul Bourke
<pdb### [at] swin edu au> wrote:
>I've run the short code and the fractal competitions, see
> http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/~pbourke/povray/scc3/final/
> http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/~pbourke/povray/povfrac/final/
>Are you sick of these competitions or is there still interest?
Those were fun. :D I'de like more ... but I don't want
you getting burned out by running them!
>If the later then how about another in the near future, what about these options?
>1. Limited geometry. eg: Create a scene with no more than 10 objects from
> the following list: sphere, cylinder, cone, box.
>2. Special geometry. eg: Create a scene using only one high level primitive,
> but as many of them as you like, for example: a supershape.
yeah, that could work (goes to read what a "supershape" is in
the docs)
1) Hmm: how about just isosurfaces? I'de have to skip that
one for CPU reasons.
2) just prism objects. That I could do :)
3) just the fractal object. I actually misunderstood
the last contest to be this. :(
>3. Create a 3D scene which when rendered from a particular position forms an
> image that tiles the plane.
This last might be too easy to be a contest. I believe there is
an include file out there that will do it for you automatically.
I think Chris colefax wrote it but I'm note sure off the top of
my head.
>Feel free to suggest others.
I have a few. I hope this is not too long:
1) Image re-use. What I mean is, the contest would
specify a picture file (or two?) and the point of
the contest would be to use re-use that picture
in a new render. You could use them as pigments,
you could maybe even UV-map them. Height field
would be an option. using functions to recolor
the pictures would be creative. Since the picture
file would be created/chosen by the contest organizer,
there would be no copyright problems with it.
2) finish / remix a scene. The contest organizer
would create a partial scene in a .pov file. and
put it up on the web. Contestents would download this
theme and edit their copy. Some sort of limit
for the amount of changes should be done but I have
no idea how that would work.
to all the companies who wait until a large user base becomes
dependant on their freeware, then shafting said happy campers with
mandatory payment for continued usage. I spit on your grave.
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> Those were fun. :D I'de like more ... but I don't want
> you getting burned out by running them!
Actually it was only the scc3 that was time consuming, now that I
have the scripts set up things work moderately smoothly with the most
time consuming point being the final www page.
> >2. Special geometry. eg: Create a scene using only one high level primitive,
> > but as many of them as you like, for example: a supershape.
> yeah, that could work (goes to read what a "supershape" is in the docs)
These are an extension to superellipsoids. The idea would be that a macro
or two would be provided that implemented the supershape and no other
primitive would be allowed.
> >3. Create a 3D scene which when rendered from a particular position forms an
> > image that tiles the plane.
> This last might be too easy to be a contest. I believe there is
> an include file out there that will do it for you automatically.
> I think Chris colefax wrote it but I'm note sure off the top of
> my head.
I'd like a pointer to that if it does exist.
Paul Bourke
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> Volumetrics. No directly visible objects, the entire scene must be
> composed of shapes only visible through interior attenuation or media.
> Maybe refraction, as well...it'd allow some good photon scenes. And
> maybe some severely restricted visible objects, such as a ground plane
> or finite sky_sphere.
> Optics. Mirrors, prisms, lenses, etc. Nice caustic patterns, simulation
> or illustration of specific optical effects, and so on.
> Radiosity only. Not much description needed...
The problem with these for competitions where the source is submitted
is that render times can be scary. I have not insignificant cluster
resources but even that is limited. Personally I like the idea of
keeping these source based, it keep people honest and is a great
learning resource for users. I've had lots of positive comments already
from people looking at how things are done by experts in the fractal
Paul Bourke
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> >> 3. Create a 3D scene which when rendered from a particular position
> >> forms an
> >> image that tiles the plane.
> > Whoa! Sounds tough. But radical.
> I dont think this is best idea, it is too hard without little pre-
> processing, even AA want work a bit strange around edges
I must admit that while this is an elegant idea, I think it is perhaps
too technical for a lot of people....myself included after trying to
make a good example myself. What I really want to see in these contests
is a good number of entries from a wide range of users.
Also, the idea initially was to create a scene that tiles due to its geometric
nature, it turns out quite easy to do with any scene and a couple of
cleverly positioned mirrors.
Paul Bourke
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Wasn't it Paul Bourke who wrote:
>> >3. Create a 3D scene which when rendered from a particular position forms an
>> > image that tiles the plane.
>> This last might be too easy to be a contest. I believe there is
>> an include file out there that will do it for you automatically.
>> I think Chris colefax wrote it but I'm note sure off the top of
>> my head.
>I'd like a pointer to that if it does exist.
Mike Williams
Gentleman of Leisure
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Paul Bourke wrote:
> I've run the short code and the fractal competitions, see
> http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/~pbourke/povray/scc3/final/
> http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/~pbourke/povray/povfrac/final/
> Are you sick of these competitions or is there still interest?
Carry on with it, the last two contests were great and I'd love to see more -
it's a nice alternative to the IRTC, and as such I don't think that the
frequency is too high.
> If the later then how about another in the near future, what about these options?
> 1. Limited geometry. eg: Create a scene with no more than 10 objects from
> the following list: sphere, cylinder, cone, box.
> 2. Special geometry. eg: Create a scene using only one high level primitive,
> but as many of them as you like, for example: a supershape.
> 3. Create a 3D scene which when rendered from a particular position forms an
> image that tiles the plane.
I like number 3.
> Feel free to suggest others.
How about a short-code-contets for animations? Perhaps a 100 frame loop rendered
in 320x240, with some restrictions on the size of the code, the objects used,
Just an idia.
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Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlink net> wrote:
> Radiosity only. Not much description needed...
I actually like this one.
Defining the rules should be rather easy: Use of light_sources (and
of course #includes) is forbidden.
plane{-x+y,-1pigment{bozo color_map{[0rgb x][1rgb x+y]}turbulence 1}}
sphere{0,2pigment{rgbt 1}interior{media{emission 1density{spherical
density_map{[0rgb 0][.5rgb<1,.5>][1rgb 1]}turbulence.9}}}scale
<1,1,3>hollow}text{ttf"timrom""Warp".1,0translate<-1,-.1,2>}// - Warp -
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Paul Bourke wrote:
> Also, the idea initially was to create a scene that tiles due to its geometric
> nature, it turns out quite easy to do with any scene and a couple of
> cleverly positioned mirrors.
Humorously, I had completely misunderstood what you meant anyway.
Imagine a collection of objects floating in space. When viewed from a
particular point their outer edges all seem to exactly coincide in such
a way that the objects combine to exactly fill the viewing plane without
overlapping and without revealing any of the background. Somehow that
is what I thought you meant.
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In article <pdb_NOSPAM-47C71A.14152402052004@news.povray.org>,
Paul Bourke <pdb### [at] swin edu au> wrote:
> The problem with these for competitions where the source is submitted
> is that render times can be scary. I have not insignificant cluster
> resources but even that is limited. Personally I like the idea of
> keeping these source based, it keep people honest and is a great
> learning resource for users. I've had lots of positive comments already
> from people looking at how things are done by experts in the fractal
> contest.
True...pretty much all my suggestions had potential to be very slow.
You could take rendered submissions along with the generating source
code, and the voting/verification period could be extended if necessary.
Verification would focus more on those who seem likely to win, making it
less likely for a cheater to win before being found out. Also, you
needn't render the entire image to catch a cheat, you could just render
a couple strips and compare with the submitted version. Community
backlash against a found-out cheater would be severe, and I think that
successfully fooling everyone and winning the contest would be very
Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlink net>
POV-Ray TAG: <chr### [at] tag povray org>
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Paul Bourke <pdb### [at] swin edu au> wrote:
> 1. Limited geometry. eg: Create a scene with no more than 10 objects from
> the following list: sphere, cylinder, cone, box.
> 2. Special geometry. eg: Create a scene using only one high level primitive,
> but as many of them as you like, for example: a supershape.
> 3. Create a 3D scene which when rendered from a particular position forms an
> image that tiles the plane.
I'd like the first two.
The third one as was pointed out is 1) too easy (with a downloaded plugin)
too technical I believe.
But I like the idea with the tools, I've read here somewhere.
Two more ideas:
..) How about a contest where every contestant has to use a certain tool to
model the main part of his picture?
..) One (more or less simple) photo/image is given and each contestant tries
to reach the reference as close as possible only using PoV.
(The difficulty of this contest will strongly be influenced by the
picture of course.)
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