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Some time ago I published some images of 3D diffiusion limited aggregation
that included constraint surfaces.
Since then they have also been exhibited at the Simply Complex exhibition
in Zurich.
A few people asked for the programs that created these forms, I have put a
beta version for Mac OS-X and Linux here, you also need POVRay to render
the structures, see the bottom of this page for the downloads.
Paul Bourke
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Paul Bourke wrote:
> Some time ago I published some images of 3D diffiusion limited aggregation
> that included constraint surfaces.
> http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/~pbourke/fractals/dla3d/
Are these all grid based like common for 2D DLA algorithms? It's not
immediately visible from the images. Not grid based DLA in 3d would be
interesting but without acceleration data structures to store the
aggregated 'tree' it would be quite inefficient.
POV-Ray tutorials, include files, Sim-POV,
HCR-Edit and more: http://www.tu-bs.de/~y0013390/
Last updated 03 May. 2005 _____./\/^>_*_<^\/\.______
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As always, your work is really fascinating! I'll try your beta once RL
will permit it...
Keep up the good work,
camera{look_at-y*10location<8,-3,-8>*10}#local a=0;#while(a<999)sphere{
#local _=.01*a-4.99;#local p=a*.01-5;#local c=.01*a-4.995;<sin(p*pi)*5p
*10pow(p,5)*.01>sin(c*c*c*.1)+1pigment{rgb 3}}#local a=a+1;#end
/******** http://www.torfbold.com ******** http://www.imp.org ********/
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> Are these all grid based like common for 2D DLA algorithms? It's not
> immediately visible from the images.
They are not grid based but continuous. A branch is added
when the particle comes within a certain distance from the
existing structure. The resulting structure is rendered
with a spline sphere sweep in PovRay with sphere radius
a decreasing function of distance from the initial seed.
Paul Bourke
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Paul Bourke wrote:
> They are not grid based but continuous. A branch is added
> when the particle comes within a certain distance from the
> existing structure.
Do you use brute force for calculating the distance from the
existing structure or some speedup data structure?
POV-Ray tutorials, include files, Sim-POV,
HCR-Edit and more: http://www.tu-bs.de/~y0013390/
Last updated 03 May. 2005 _____./\/^>_*_<^\/\.______
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