Yes it's cool for you to run it. I'm honored that a "hero of raytracing"
might pick up and run with something I conceived.
It's funny however that the web version (sorry, Ken) has left out a line
from my posting on one of the rules, giving it a different meaning. A
reworded version is below:
1) Each entrant would create an artistic image using less than 250 bytes of
povray 3.5 SDL. Minimum number of characters allowed however is 8 (as in
box{1,0}). Reason: we believe this is the smallest functioning line of
actual povray SDL. Although this generates a "black image", we don't want
a bunch of smart alecks to submit black scenes made of nothing but comments.
Of course Paul you can make up your own rules. I also think it's cool to
invite some non-raytracers to vote on the images-- their non-jaded views of
what's trite improve the experience for everyone.
The original post was at:
"Paul Bourke" <pdb### [at] swin edu au> wrote in message
> I seem to have missed the initial short povray code contest email.
> Could someone please send me the details. Thanks.
> --
> Paul Bourke
> pdb_NOSPAMswin.edu.au
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