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The final results of the POVRay Fractal Raytracing Contest have been
announced, point your browsers towards the final presentation page
Paul Bourke
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pdb### [at] swin edu au news:pdb_NOSPAM-
> http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/~pbourke/povray/povfrac/final/
Beautiful :)
TOo bad I didnt had time to even vote this time :(
Btw, for a next contest I suggest much longer time for writting it.
Rafal Maj 'Raf256', home page - http://www.raf256.com/me/
Computer Graphics
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The judges were not kind to you, Paul. :(
The contest is a great idea. The third place winner was my overall
pick. I thought all the pictures had something of interest to add.
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Jim Charter wrote:
> The contest is a great idea. The third place winner was my overall
> pick. I thought all the pictures had something of interest to add.
The third place winner was my second choice, but just barely (to the
first place one.) The only reason I went the way I did was that the
first place winner was an explicitly 3D fractal, rather than a
(beautiful) enhancement of a basically 2D fractal.
I'm just beginning to dig into the sources. I learn so much from these.
Thanks again, Paul!
Dave Matthews
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> The judges were not kind to you, Paul. :(
Oh the order isn't an indication of the voting after the top 10, I
placed mine at the end. After all, it is a little suspicious having the
managing the competition enter.....how would I handle it if I won!
The very last entry of mine was mostly to test the cgi's I wrote to handle
the competition.
The second to last entry I created on purpose and it came about 12th
P a u l B o u r k e
Astrophysics and Supercomputing
email pdb### [at] swin edu au
www astronomy.swin.edu.au/~pbourke
phone +61 -3 9214 8624
fax +61 -3 9214 8797
aim bpdourke
letter Mail number 31
PO Box 218 Hawthorn
Swinburne University of Technology
Victoria 3122, Australia
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