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I'm trying to get a text object to align relative to the center of a
sphere. The sphere is at <0,0,0>. Since text initially sits with the
front-bottom-left corner at <0,0,0>, I've translated it to be just in
front of the sphere.
The challenge is to get the correct x-coordinate fot the text object so
is centered relative to the sphere. So far, all I know how to do is
adjust the x coordinate by trial-and-error. Is there some way to obtain
the size of the text programatically and set it's location using an
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The challenge is to get the correct x-coordinate fot the text object so it
is centered relative to the sphere. So far, all I know how to do is
adjust the x coordinate by trial-and-error. Is there some way to obtain
the size of the text programatically and set it's location using an
This is a bit of a peeve of mine, with how the primitives in pov are done.
Spheres have their centers at 0,0,0.
Cubes start with one corner at 0,0,0, and go to the opposite corner at 1,1,1
so the natural center is at 0.5, 0.5, 0.5
You have to think ahead, and locate the center of the object where it makes
For some things, it's the geometric center, others it will be the center of
"mass", or some other point, depending on how it's used in the scene. and
combined with other objects.
If you defined a washer (as in hardware store) you'd probably want one face
to sit at 0,0,0, and the other at 0,(0+Washer_Thickness), 0 so that you
could put it at 0,0+Cube_High,0 and have it sitting on top of the cube,
rather than IN the cube, or just above the cube.
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Wasn't it Bill who wrote:
>I'm trying to get a text object to align relative to the center of a
>sphere. The sphere is at <0,0,0>. Since text initially sits with the
>front-bottom-left corner at <0,0,0>, I've translated it to be just in
>front of the sphere.
>The challenge is to get the correct x-coordinate fot the text object so it
>is centered relative to the sphere. So far, all I know how to do is
>adjust the x coordinate by trial-and-error. Is there some way to obtain
>the size of the text programatically and set it's location using an
You can centre text, or any other type of object, in one dimension with
#declare T = text { ttf "crystal.ttf", "POV-Ray", 2, 0 pigment {rgb x}}
#include "shapes.inc"
You can centre text, or any other type of object, in three dimensions
like this:
#declare T = text { ttf "crystal.ttf", "POV-Ray", 2, 0 pigment {rgb x}}
object {T translate -(min_extent(T) + max_extent(T))/2}
There's also Text_Space() and Text_Width() in "shapes.inc" that perform
the (max_extent(T).x-min_extent(T).x) calculation for you.
Mike Williams
Gentleman of Leisure
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// Hi Bill,
// min_extent and max_extent will help centering text;
// this whole post is a demo scene -- render with
// -F +W512 +H384 +A0.1
// Replace "/2*x" by
// "/2*<1,1,0>" to center along x and y
// "/2" to center along all axes
// "*-1" to right-justify
// "*<1,.5,0> to right-justify and center along y
// etc. (and change the macro's name accordingly!)
// Sputnik
// macros to center an object along the x-axis
// (more precisely: to center the bounding box of
// the object; this works well for text objects)
#macro Simple_center_along_x (Obj)
object { Obj translate -(max_extent(Obj)-min_extent(Obj))/2*x }
#end//macro Simple_center_along_x
#macro Center_along_x (Obj)
object { Obj translate -(max_extent(Obj)-min_extent(Obj))/2*x
// "}" omitted to allow modifiers without object{...}
#end//macro Center_along_x
// a text object
#declare TextObject = text { ttf "timrom.ttf" "[---Text---]" 0.1, 0
pigment { color rgb 1 }
// put centered text into scene
Simple_center_along_x ( TextObject ) // that's all!
object { Simple_center_along_x ( TextObject )
translate -z
Center_along_x ( TextObject ) // {
translate -2*z
// origin, z-axis, x-z-plane, light and camera
union {
sphere { 0, 0.1 }
cylinder { -3*z, 3*z, 0.02 }
cone { 3*z, 0.1, 3.5*z, 0 }
pigment { color green 1 }
finish { ambient .3 diffuse .7 }
plane { y, 0
pigment { checker rgbt <1, .7, 0, .4> rgbt <1, 1, 0, .4> }
finish { ambient .3 diffuse .7 }
light_source { <-1, 3, -2>*100, rgb 1 }
camera { location -4.5*z look_at 0 rotate <40, 20, 0> translate -z }
// END
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