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I am using a height-field object as a mountain. I want to place trees on
the mountain. The tree object I already have. Now I need a macro that
translates the trees to the correct height. I read a tutorial
(http://www.mhazelgrove.fsnet.co.uk/levtut.htm) and read that you need a
point-array of your heightfield. How can I make a point-array of a tga-file
that's not created by a hf-editor? Or is there another solution, without an
array? In the tutorial, the author speaks about the 'trace' and the
'hf_height_at' functions; I can't find anything about these in the help
(neither POV-Ray nor MegaPOV 1.0).
Thank you very much for your help!!!
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In article <oprq6at506pkmer3@localhost>,
Jos Tellings <jte### [at] chello nl> wrote:
> I am using a height-field object as a mountain. I want to place trees on
> the mountain. The tree object I already have. Now I need a macro that
> translates the trees to the correct height. I read a tutorial
> (http://www.mhazelgrove.fsnet.co.uk/levtut.htm) and read that you need a
> point-array of your heightfield. How can I make a point-array of a tga-file
> that's not created by a hf-editor? Or is there another solution, without an
> array? In the tutorial, the author speaks about the 'trace' and the
> 'hf_height_at' functions; I can't find anything about these in the help
> (neither POV-Ray nor MegaPOV 1.0).
The hf_height_at feature is obsolete, and no longer exists in any
current version. The trace() function is a well documented feature of
the official version, however, and is a better solution than a height
Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlink net>
POV-Ray TAG: chr### [at] tag povray org
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Jos Tellings wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using a height-field object as a mountain. I want to place trees on
> the mountain. The tree object I already have. Now I need a macro that
> translates the trees to the correct height.
Vegetate.inc might be a solution -
Ken Tyler
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The tutorial was writen long ago! I now use trace exclusively.
#declare Norm = <0,0,0>;
#declare Xpos = -4;
#declare Zpos = -4;
#declare C = 0;
#while (Xpos<2)
#while (Zpos<18)
#declare TestPos = <Xpos,0,Zpos>
#declare Inter = trace ( Rocks,TestPos,<0,-10,0>, Norm);
#if (vlength(Norm)!=0)
object{ any object you wish to place}
mAlign(Inter,Inter+Norm)translate y*.000125
}// end object
#declare C=C+1;
#declare Zpos = Zpos + 0.0238;//0.01368;
#declare Zpos = -4;
#declare Xpos = Xpos + 0.0238;//0.01368;
Hope this helps
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