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Hi! There's such a dizzying array of useful utilities out there that
my mind is hopelessly boggled. Can you folks put together a short
list of the best utilities for someone just getting started? By this
I mean, the ones that may have a lower learning curve and will help
someone get used to working in this environment before going for the
hardcore stuff.
Thanks a bunch!
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In article <kvu7kuoomef2ftli3ch3bsnd6rski9f54u@4ax.com>,
Calidore <nos### [at] thanksanyway com> wrote:
> Hi! There's such a dizzying array of useful utilities out there that
> my mind is hopelessly boggled. Can you folks put together a short
> list of the best utilities for someone just getting started? By this
> I mean, the ones that may have a lower learning curve and will help
> someone get used to working in this environment before going for the
> hardcore stuff.
Well, I'd start with the stuff here:
Lots of useful stuff there...
Christopher James Huff <chr### [at] mac com>
POV-Ray TAG e-mail: chr### [at] tag povray org
TAG web site: http://tag.povray.org/
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On Sun, 28 Jul 2002 11:06:35 -0500, Christopher James Huff
<chr### [at] mac com> wrote:
>In article <kvu7kuoomef2ftli3ch3bsnd6rski9f54u@4ax.com>,
> Calidore <nos### [at] thanksanyway com> wrote:
>> Hi! There's such a dizzying array of useful utilities out there that
>> my mind is hopelessly boggled. Can you folks put together a short
>> list of the best utilities for someone just getting started? By this
>> I mean, the ones that may have a lower learning curve and will help
>> someone get used to working in this environment before going for the
>> hardcore stuff.
>Well, I'd start with the stuff here:
>Lots of useful stuff there...
I'll check it out. Thanks!
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