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I seem to be making simple mistakes today. Here's one I'm sure should
not be so difficult:
I have a simple scene - one camera, one light, one sphere. In my
corresponding .ini file, I have the following line:
My silly little brain seems to envision that when Povray is finished
rendering this particular frame, it will happily run test.bat (located
in the same directory).
Test.bat is nothing exciting - I replaced my actual batch file with
something like this:
I can run test.bat myself, and I've checked to make sure Povray is
allowed to start other programs, etc. Yet when I run my scene, it
renders fine, and then Povray seems to hang... I eventually have to
kill it by hand. It gets mostly through printing the frame's stats in
the status window, but that's all.
How am I misusing (and misunderstanding) the post_frame_command?
This is on WinXP, if it really makes any difference. I'm assuming
it's my fault, though, not my OS.
- How
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in news:ijthj0tohdj1ldlqus8gilon0kkamhd2t7@4ax.com How Camp wrote:
> Post_Frame_Command=test.bat
Not sure but try:
Post_Frame_Command=cmd /c test.bat
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On 3 Sep 2004 20:14:55 -0400, ingo <ing### [at] tag povray org> wrote:
>Not sure but try:
>Post_Frame_Command=cmd /c test.bat
Thanks for the idea. No luck, though. Povray just seems to hang.
Any other solutions?
- How
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"How Camp" <kro### [at] hotmail com> wrote in message
> On 3 Sep 2004 20:14:55 -0400, ingo <ing### [at] tag povray org> wrote:
>>Not sure but try:
>>Post_Frame_Command=cmd /c test.bat
> Thanks for the idea. No luck, though. Povray just seems to hang.
> Any other solutions?
I'm not doing much POVing these days but I think you might need to use
quotation marks around the file name. Did you try a complete path to it yet?
Yoiks! this happened two weeks ago, I see now. Sorry for the delayed reply.
Bob H.
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On Sat, 18 Sep 2004 18:07:56 -0500, "Hughes, B."
<bob### [at] charter net> wrote:
>I'm not doing much POVing these days but I think you might need to use
>quotation marks around the file name. Did you try a complete path to it yet?
Hmm, tried both, no no avail.
>Yoiks! this happened two weeks ago, I see now. Sorry for the delayed reply.
Heh, that's alright. I rather figured this thread was deceased, so I
appreciate your response.
Interestingly enough, it appears that the exact same .ini file *does*
work using 3.5, but fails with 3.6.
Here are the exact files I used:
camera {
location <0.0, 0.5, -4.0>
direction 1.5*z
right x*image_width/image_height
look_at <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>
light_source {
<-30, 30, -30>
color rgb <1, 1, 1>
sphere {
0.0, 1
texture {
pigment {
color rgb 1
[640x240, No AA]
[640x240, AA 0.3]
[640x240, Recursive]
Once again, I've made sure that 'starting external files' is allowed,
and there are no read/write restrictions.
Now that I'm relatively certain this isn't me screwing up the syntax,
what else could be going doing wrong?
Anyone care to confirm, or am I just way out-to-lunch?
- How
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Checking on this here, using a testcmd.ini I already had, I'm seeing POV go
I sure thought this feature was fixed up okay, since I remember being able
to use it correctly in 3.6 before. Only thing I remember being discussed was
the usage of quotes or not. Seems the various versions of Windows handled it
differently; now I'm using XP HE SP2, if that makes any difference.
Unfortunately, I didn't check on this after the last release of POV-Ray so I
don't know if it changed something.
With any luck something will be figured out by someone. Guess I'll be trying
other things to see what happens in the meantime, but I've already tried
each Pre and Post, Frame and Scene, Command=cmd.exe /c dir (or /k) with
and without quotes around the string. There's a 'POV-Ray is creating another
process' message and then it stops responding, every time.
BTW, I can't check using version 3.5 yet. I didn't think it could run a file
without starting the command processor (cmd.exe or command.com) but you seem
to say it'll run the file test.bat, alone, without it. My cmd.exe appears to
have been updated by SP2, dated 8/4/2004 and showing a slightly larger file
size than the previous one.
Bob H.
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On Tue, 21 Sep 2004 13:42:46 -0500, "Hughes, B."
<bob### [at] charter net> wrote:
>BTW, I can't check using version 3.5 yet. I didn't think it could run a file
>without starting the command processor (cmd.exe or command.com) but you seem
>to say it'll run the file test.bat, alone, without it. My cmd.exe appears to
>have been updated by SP2, dated 8/4/2004 and showing a slightly larger file
>size than the previous one.
Right, I can run test.bat directly. The machine I'm currently sitting
at has SP1, but I'll check at home (with SP2) this evening, if
Thanks for looking into this, Bob.
- How
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How Camp <kro### [at] hotmail com> wrote:
> I have a simple scene - one camera, one light, one sphere. In my
> corresponding .ini file, I have the following line:
> Post_Frame_Command=test.bat
> My silly little brain seems to envision that when Povray is finished
> rendering this particular frame, it will happily run test.bat (located
> in the same directory).
> Test.bat is nothing exciting - I replaced my actual batch file with
> something like this:
> dir
> I can run test.bat myself, and I've checked to make sure Povray is
> allowed to start other programs, etc. Yet when I run my scene, it
> renders fine, and then Povray seems to hang... I eventually have to
> kill it by hand. It gets mostly through printing the frame's stats in
> the status window, but that's all.
> How am I misusing (and misunderstanding) the post_frame_command?
> This is on WinXP, if it really makes any difference. I'm assuming
> it's my fault, though, not my OS.
> - How
This brought back memories. Firstly I think you need to include the path
e.g. Post_Frame_Command=c:test.bat
Secondly do not use Post_Frame_Return=? Or it does not work.
Make sure that your permissions are set;
Disable starting other programmes not selected
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On Wed, 22 Sep 2004 10:38:54 EDT, "Stephen"
<mca### [at] hotmail com> wrote:
>This brought back memories. Firstly I think you need to include the path
>e.g. Post_Frame_Command=c:test.bat
Tried, both with and without. Povray 3.5 works fine (with and without
the full path), but 3.6 does not.
>Secondly do not use Post_Frame_Return=? Or it does not work.
I haven't tried Post_Frame_Return, but it really won't do me any good,
regardless. Do you mean it hangs Povray in the same manner?
>Make sure that your permissions are set;
>Disable starting other programmes not selected
Again, I've checked these several times, and this is not the issue.
It just seems like Post_Frame_Return is broken in 3.6...?
- How
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How Camp <kro### [at] hotmail com> wrote:
> Tried, both with and without. Povray 3.5 works fine (with and without
> the full path), but 3.6 does not.
This INI file worked for me using Ver 3.6. I downloaded it today at work.
> >Secondly do not use Post_Frame_Return=? Or it does not work.
> I haven't tried Post_Frame_Return, but it really won't do me any good,
> regardless. Do you mean it hangs Povray in the same manner?
Well Post_Frame_Return works now, all it seamed to do was stop the batch
file running. PovRay still rendered.
> >Make sure that your permissions are set;
> >Disable starting other programmes not selected
> Again, I've checked these several times, and this is not the issue.
I bet you did :-}
> It just seems like Post_Frame_Return is broken in 3.6...?
> - How
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