In article <3EB### [at] free fr>,
Nicolas Calimet <pov### [at] free fr> wrote:
> > It
> > is for, and only for "Programming related discussion (i.e. source code
> > etc.)" of POV-Ray by *programmers* knowing or having (specific) questions
> > about the POV-Ray source code.
> Is this too late to change "programming" to something else ? Maybe
> "p.source-code" or "p.engine-internals" or much better ? With "programming"
> those who think ("using the SDL" == "programming POV") end up in here...
povray.source-code wouldn't be any better, people would still think it
was about scene source. povray.engine-internals is a bit over-specific
and unclear.
With all the other groups available, you'd think people would find a
better first group for the first try. Just a glance at the numbers of
messages in each group would make groups like .general or .newusers
better targets. Actually looking at the present activity in the groups
or just maybe actually reading through some of the past activity in the
groups (what a concept!) would show what they are for. Never mind the
group descriptions...
Followups to povray.general.
Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlink net>
POV-Ray TAG: chr### [at] tag povray org
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