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Here's the current state of MegaPOVPlus, my patch collection built on
MegaPOV 1.1. The archive is a complete Unix source distribution of
MegaPOV 1.1, with my patches applied. Unfortunately, I don't have time
to produce as complete of a release this time, with only sketchy
documentation and a handful of demo and testing files, but I will be
happy to answer questions.
Here are some highlights:
crackle optimizations
2D crackle
voronoi pattern (similar to crackle, but you specify the points)
enhanced function patterns (ray direction and normal are now available
to function patterns)
lewis smooth noise generator
blob2 object (a new version of the blob object, which supports more
components and gives smoother looking results)
updated glow patch
Various algorithm improvements, reorganization, and other stuff that may
be useful to other patch coders.
Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] gmail com>
POV-Ray TAG: <chr### [at] tag povray org>
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Taken from http://www.dotcsw.com/doc/options.html: "While the Perlin
algorithm is widely used and efficient to generate, it suffers from
directional artifacts and always returns 0.5 when passed whole numbers."
So that explains the rectangular artifacts we have been encountering!
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In article <4224eba5$1@news.povray.org>, "Eli" <eli### [at] jehoel net> wrote:
> Taken from http://www.dotcsw.com/doc/options.html: "While the Perlin
> algorithm is widely used and efficient to generate, it suffers from
> directional artifacts and always returns 0.5 when passed whole numbers."
> So that explains the rectangular artifacts we have been encountering!
Is this in response to my Lewis noise patch? It could as well be a
separate message that got sent as a reply by accident...
There is an updated version of Perlin noise which makes the lattice
artifacts less obvious (though it doesn't solve the problem of always
equalling 0.5 at regular intervals), as well as giving an overall
speedup and improvement in overall evenness of the noise. It doesn't
entirely eliminate the problem, though. Also, the POV team has been
aware of this for some time...probably the only reason it's not in 3.6
is lack of time. Lewis noise is an entirely different algorithm.
Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlink net>
POV-Ray TAG: <chr### [at] tag povray org>
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Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlink net> wrote:
> Here's the current state of MegaPOVPlus, my patch collection
> built on MegaPOV 1.1. The archive is a complete Unix source
> distribution of MegaPOV 1.1, with my patches applied.
> ...
> blob2 object (a new version of the blob object, which
> supports more components and gives smoother looking results)
I'm very interested in using blobs to model people. I've come up with all
sorts of workarounds with 3.6 SDL code to give smoother looking results.
Is it possible to show a blob{} and blob2{} attempt at a bicep & forearm?
Here, I'm simply talking of almost any combination of a single sphere and a
single cylinder where the cylinder does not go through the sphere's center.
Could you render up a pair and post it please?
If the benefit in natural organic looking-ness were sufficiently improved, I
would buy a UNIX box and compiler just to get my hands on this patch.
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In article <web.42288e49cd38277440d56c170@news.povray.org>,
"gregjohn" <pte### [at] yahoo com> wrote:
> Is it possible to show a blob{} and blob2{} attempt at a bicep & forearm?
> Here, I'm simply talking of almost any combination of a single sphere and a
> single cylinder where the cylinder does not go through the sphere's center.
> Could you render up a pair and post it please?
There's nothing specifically like what you asked there, but here's a few
I'll try something like what you're asking later...I really should be
packing to go home right now.
Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] gmail com>
POV-Ray TAG: <chr### [at] tag povray org>
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> http://home.earthlink.net/~cjameshuff/temp/blob2.png
> http://home.earthlink.net/~cjameshuff/temp/blob2_2.png
> http://home.earthlink.net/~cjameshuff/temp/tetrablob.png
> http://home.earthlink.net/~cjameshuff/temp/tetrablob2.png
How was that implemented?
By the way, if you're looking to generate interest, sample images are a good
way to do it; show us what your patch can do.
- Slime
[ http://www.slimeland.com/ ]
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In article <4228cf65@news.povray.org>, "Slime" <fak### [at] email address>
> How was that implemented?
Not entirely sure what you're asking. The basic root solver is the same
type as the isosurface, a simple recursive bisection method. It builds a
list of components that interact with the ray, and uses that list for
the root solving. It just uses the first and last bounds intersection to
limit the root finding interval, a smarter scheme will more efficiently
bracket the individual roots.
> By the way, if you're looking to generate interest, sample images are a good
> way to do it; show us what your patch can do.
I'm working on that...I've already posted images from the most important
Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] gmail com>
POV-Ray TAG: <chr### [at] tag povray org>
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