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The scene below results in "Expected 'function identifier', } found
Are the three bitwise_.. functions not usable in functions? Bug? Me?
#version 3.7;
global_settings{ assumed_gamma 1.0 }
#default{ finish{ ambient 0.1 diffuse 0.9 }}
<0,1,0>, 0
function{bitwise_xor(x, y, z)}
light_source{< 3000,3000,-3000> rgb 1}
camera {
angle 75
location <0.0 , 3.0 ,-3.0>
right x*image_width/image_height
look_at <0.0 , 1.0 , 0.0>
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I've tried all manner of things to correct the syntax or find a workaround, but
I can't even get the parser to recognize the expressions
#declare F1 = function {bitwise_and (x, y, z)}
#declare F2 = function {bitwise_or (x, y, z)}
#declare F3 = function {bitwise_xor (x, y, z)}
SO, I'm thinking that the problem is that somehow those built-in function
identifiers never got put in a list to get passed to the (separate) function
parser. Oof.
Which means that until that gets fixed, you're going to have to roll your own
user-defined functions in SDL. :( I recall doing this somewhere, when I didn't
know that our bitwise operators were spelled-out function identifiers and not
the usual symbols.
I can go hunt that down if you need me to...
(a & b)
can be done with:
(((a/1 % 2) * (b/1 % 2)) * 1) +
(((a/2 % 2) * (b/2 % 2)) * 2) +
(((a/4 % 2) * (b/4 % 2)) * 4) +
(((a/n % 2) * (b/n % 2)) * n)
Where n is 2 to the number of bits that A and B are composed minus one. This
assumes integer division (remainder is discarded).
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in news:web.62c97261fd43e9001f9dae3025979125@news.povray.org Bald Eagle
> Yikes.
I'll make a bugreport of it.
Doing my own in SDL is not important now, was just fiddling around.
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> function{bitwise_xor(x, y, z)}
I don't think this a bug so much as unsupported. Just FYI, it should probably be
a feature request rather than a bug report.
Also, the documentation says that these functions treat the inputs as integers.
Is that what you are expecting?
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"jceddy" <jce### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> > function{bitwise_xor(x, y, z)}
> I don't think this a bug so much as unsupported. Just FYI, it should probably be
> a feature request rather than a bug report.
> Also, the documentation says that these functions treat the inputs as integers.
> Is that what you are expecting?
Bald Eagle is exactly right as to why this isn't working, BTW.
For function{} there is a separate function parser that is pretty restrictive,
and it will not support calling things like bitwise_xor(), trace(), etc. It only
supports numerical values, operators, variables/parameters, and references to
other defined function names. So for this to work, someone would need to define
a "built-in" f_bitwise_xor function (for example), that you could then call in
function blocks.
You would indeed need to "roll your own" using only operators and simple
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in news:web.62c9a94afd43e900864166f75d51d79c@news.povray.org jceddy wrote:
> I don't think this a bug so much as unsupported.
Yes, you may be right. They are mentioned in the numeric expression
section but not in the functions section. :(
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