I just wonder - would it be very hard to read *.pov files into OpenGL
animations, or _export_ it to .max .obj and other mesh-likes files?
Yes, I know - the most common newbie question - POV-Ray is ray-tracer not
scanline and meshes doesnt support real mathematical objects and CSG.
But, how about doing this for simple objects (first)?
sphere{} cone{} cylinder{} box{} - there is no problem in creating mesh for
such objetcs (additional parameter like number-of-sides might be used).
union{} - no problem
difference{} interseciton{} - this is more problematic, but there are
algoritms for doing such opperations on meshes.
textures - pre-calculate them for each side of object.
Later, advanced objects like isosurface, where tere is no other way - could
be triangulaized usign some heuristic algoritms.
Not only it can be used for openGL or exporting to mesh, also it could be
used to create less-datiled (therefore faster) versions of objects - with
can be used in some distant parts of scene (to render faster) or as
Does it sound like something interesting?
Rafal Maj 'Raf256', home page - http://www.raf256.com/me/
Computer Graphics
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