Some problems with installing PovRAY in user (not root) mode, on PLD linux,
[rafal@nbrdr megapov-1.1]$ uname -a
Linux nbrdr 2.6.8 #1 Tue Oct 19 00:00:58 UTC 2004 i686 unknown unknown PLD
(nbrdr is name of my friend)
linux is - PLD 2.0 ac linux - http://pld-linux.org/
Then when running install as user, script didnt wait for input (to login as
root R, or U - to install in ~/) but immedietly stoped with an error:
[rafal@nbrdr povray-3.6]$ ls
aaa AUTHORS doc icons include ini install NEWS povray povray.1
povray.conf povray.ini README scenes scripts
[rafal@nbrdr povray-3.6]$ ./install
POV-Ray 3.6 installation
You need to have root privileges to install POV-Ray 3.6
in the default location (/usr/local).
You can also install POV-Ray on User level at a custom location
but this requires additional manual setup steps.
Type 'R' to login as root and install in /usr/local
(recommended method).
Type 'U' to make a user level installation at a custom location.
Type anything else to abort.
./install[1141]: read: -p: no coprocess
Installation aborted!
[rafal@nbrdr povray-3.6]$
Perhaps it has something to do with fact that this linux has patch with
hides non-user processes (but perhaps not).
[rafal@nbrdr povray-3.6]$ ps aux
rafal 20620 0.0 0.1 5032 1384 pts/2 Ss Nov30 0:00 -bash
rafal 19427 0.0 0.0 2156 724 pts/2 R+ 03:07 0:00 ps aux
some additional info:
[rafal@nbrdr povray-3.6]$ md5sum install povray README
0a7d6c7fc8bb6892cf3abe8dbb470436 install
a26025ec50bd8d42e7c1ffbb32cb3fd2 povray
09ff9aa16052f31a809c979194d08869 README
(just to make shure)
[rafal@nbrdr povray-3.6]$ df
/dev/hda11 16867696 7618416 9249280 46% /home
/dev/hda9 1967860 65992 1901868 4% /tmp
Rafal Maj 'Raf256', home page - http://www.raf256.com/me/
Computer Graphics
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