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There's a thread on Access97 in p.o-t.
Gilles gets data from databases and renders these with POV-Ray.
I'm playing a bit with SQLite to get an idea of SQL.
SQLite is a relative simple tool that can be used from the commandline but
is designed to be embedded in an other application.
how usefull would it be to have an embedded database in POV-Ray? What kind
of things could one do then? Could it be helpfull for particle systems?
Could it be helpfull for keeping persistent data between rendering frames
of an animation?
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"ingo" <ing### [at] tag povray org> wrote in message
Could be fun - can someone remind me, can pov construct and execute external
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"Tom Melly" <pov### [at] tomandlu co uk> wrote:
> <snip>
> Could be fun - can someone remind me, can pov construct and execute external
> commands?
I don` t know.
but you could write a file (command.txt) with povray, with just one line:
Then you run a small programm in wxbasic or whatever:
//--------------- pseudocode
fopen command.txt as #1
line input thecommand
if right(thecommand,3) = "exe" then
shell(thecommand) //-- execute the line as an external program
fclose #1
deletefile("command.txt") //-- delete file to avoid repeated execution
end while
//-- end ---------- pseudocode
Greets, Mark
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> So,
> how usefull would it be to have an embedded database in POV-Ray? What kind
> of things could one do then? Could it be helpfull for particle systems?
> Could it be helpfull for keeping persistent data between rendering frames
> of an animation?
I have wondered several times about a built-in ODBC connectivity in the SDL
(rather than an embedded database). I guess a lot of code for that is
already in the PHP source. About possible uses, the way I'm using an
Oracle/Access/POV-Ray 3.1 combo is fairly atypical but being able to store
things in databases is always handy, particularly in the scientific /
technical field. Coupled with a good SDL library for charts and graphs that
could be interesting for people who are into scientific visualisation.
- Graphic experiments
- POV-Ray and Poser computer images
- Posters
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"ingo" <ing### [at] tag povray org> wrote in message
: how usefull would it be to have an embedded database in POV-Ray? What kind
: of things could one do then? Could it be helpfull for particle systems?
: Could it be helpfull for keeping persistent data between rendering frames
: of an animation?
I made a Pov 3.1 version that had dBASE III read and write
capability. I posted an article about it offering the patch but
no one answered. I threw it out after about a year and there
was absolutely no interest.
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> So,
> how usefull would it be to have an embedded database in POV-Ray? What kind
> of things could one do then? Could it be helpfull for particle systems?
> Could it be helpfull for keeping persistent data between rendering frames
> of an animation?
As Mark already mentioned, POV has its own file I/O. IMHO we don't need
a database support with POV-Ray, but better file I/O. Right now, it's
limited to comma-seperated values, and IIRC some of them are also
automagically parsed, etc. I'd like to have a file I/O which at least
lets me read in a text file line by line (returning the whole line as a
If you add a exec-command (to execute external programs), it would
enable us to write the database support as a inc-file, a method which I
would prefer (not dependant on database-type, etc.). Of course
introducing an exec-command creates a big new potential for malicious
pov scripts. So there should be perhaps some restrictive options on that
command, like we have the I/O-restrictions right now.
Better file-I/O could be the key to a lot more interesting plugins for
POV in include-files (as opposed to patches). Things like
file-format-converters, analytical stuff, etc. And as far as it's
strings only, it would also be pretty portable, aside from the line
endings, of course.
Just my 0.02$
camera{look_at-y*10location<8,-3,-8>*10}#local a=0;#while(a<999)sphere{
#local _=.01*a-4.99;#local p=a*.01-5;#local c=.01*a-4.995;<sin(p*pi)*5p
*10pow(p,5)*.01>sin(c*c*c*.1)+1pigment{rgb 3}}#local a=a+1;#end
/******** http://www.torfbold.com ******** http://www.imp.org ********/
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Tom Melly wrote:
> "ingo" <ing### [at] tag povray org> wrote in message
> news:Xns9597D61F45BD9seed7@news.povray.org...
> <snip>
> Could be fun - can someone remind me, can pov construct and execute external
> commands?
Like invoking a program? Don't think so. I believe the last time the
question can up, the answer was: start with the external program and us
it to invoke POV.
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In article <418ab6a5@news.povray.org>, "=Bob="
<robertUNDERSCOREdobbinsATmailDOTtdsDOTnet> says...
> "ingo" <ing### [at] tag povray org> wrote in message
> [deletions]
> : how usefull would it be to have an embedded database in POV-Ray? What kind
> : of things could one do then? Could it be helpfull for particle systems?
> : Could it be helpfull for keeping persistent data between rendering frames
> : of an animation?
> I made a Pov 3.1 version that had dBASE III read and write
> capability. I posted an article about it offering the patch but
> no one answered. I threw it out after about a year and there
> was absolutely no interest.
Too bad.. Unfortunately making something and convincing them it is useful
is not always the same thing. You sometimes have to show them how useful
it is in a significant way. I am more the "any thing that makes like
easier" sort and I can see that as a feature with would make some things
void main () {
call functional_code()
call crash_windows();
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In article <418ac51b$1@news.povray.org>, tor### [at] torfbold com says...
> > So,
> > how usefull would it be to have an embedded database in POV-Ray? What kind
> > of things could one do then? Could it be helpfull for particle systems?
> > Could it be helpfull for keeping persistent data between rendering frames
> > of an animation?
> As Mark already mentioned, POV has its own file I/O. IMHO we don't need
> a database support with POV-Ray, but better file I/O. Right now, it's
> limited to comma-seperated values, and IIRC some of them are also
> automagically parsed, etc. I'd like to have a file I/O which at least
> lets me read in a text file line by line (returning the whole line as a
> string).
Except databases go beyond simple I/O. For instance, a smart system could
read in the contents of a .inc file to the database (or the equivalent),
which will only be used in an animation in say 50 frames out of 100, then
only read that back in from the DB 'when' it is needed, rather than
parsing the entire file each time. I suspect that is a bit harder to
manage currently, if it is even possible. It would be nice to let the SDL
do most of the work and not have to rely on external applications that
often don't cover 100% of all the things you need them to. This is
especially true of custom built applications, since they are likely
designed to only do one thing at a time, making them nice for the
designer, but more or less useless for the community. unless of course it
is one of those: Use program A to generate part X, program B to make part
Y, program C to make part Z and then use program D to hopefully produce
the SDL. Gives me a headache just thinking about it. ;)
void main () {
call functional_code()
call crash_windows();
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In article <Xns9597D61F45BD9seed7@news.povray.org>,
ingo <ing### [at] tag povray org> wrote:
> how usefull would it be to have an embedded database in POV-Ray? What kind
> of things could one do then? Could it be helpfull for particle systems?
> Could it be helpfull for keeping persistent data between rendering frames
> of an animation?
I don't see why it would be any better than simply allowing the user to
keep a data structure for the next frame. What benefit does a database
give you?
No, it wouldn't benefit particle systems. A general database system
would be too slow for that kind of thing.
However, some more versatile data structures (easily modifiable arrays,
lists, sets, and dictionaries) would be very useful. Also things like
point sets and other more specialized structures...
Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlink net>
POV-Ray TAG: <chr### [at] tag povray org>
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