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I will tomorrow sign contract, everything is beautiful (best - most
interesting job so far in my carrerr), only PovTeam didnt give *any*
response to my license request.
If they wont respond to my boss also, we will probably just let go of
PovRAY idea - I will write for Blender or other simmilar project, PovRAY
will NOT be known to additional severl thousends computer users, they will
be no nice program with "uses PovRAY" logo on it, www.povray.org will not
have "used in big commercial project for professional 3d visualization"
text on WWW page, and I will have x2 more work (means x2 less salary per
work hour), greate.
is it possible to contact Pov-Team *direcly* in metters of PovRAY license?
Rafal Maj 'Raf256', home page - http://www.raf256.com/me/
Computer Graphics
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spa### [at] raf256 com news:Xns9540CE59D7789raf256com@
> is it possible to contact Pov-Team *direcly* in metters of PovRAY
directly (*working* email, telephone, fax, etc etc).
And to cleryfie, I did ask for licence agreement on email, as written in
license-agreement on povray WWW, and this project is quite big, easy CAD-
like program (aimed to non-professional users), that will be selled on CD
(in Poland, possible later in soem other countries AFAIK).
p.s. perhaps we have someone from Australia here, who would be so nice and
send standard mail letter to
PO Box 407 Williamstown, Victoria 3016 Australia
for me? (Sice sending it directly from Poland will take looong time
Rafal Maj 'Raf256', home page - http://www.raf256.com/me/
Computer Graphics
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On 9 Aug 2004 14:14:25 -0400, "Rafal 'Raf256' Maj" <spa### [at] raf256 com> wrote:
> I will tomorrow sign contract, everything is beautiful (best - most
> interesting job so far in my carrerr), only PovTeam didnt give *any*
> response to my license request.
*any* ? Team member answered to you 30 minutes after
your original post 9 days ago.
> If they wont respond to my boss also, we will probably just let go of
> PovRAY idea - I will write for Blender or other simmilar project
Revenge ?
> PovRAY
> will NOT be known to additional severl thousends computer users, they will
> be no nice program with "uses PovRAY" logo on it, www.povray.org will not
> have "used in big commercial project for professional 3d visualization"
> text on WWW page, and I will have x2 more work (means x2 less salary per
> work hour), greate.
Nice tone of speech, very nice.
> Again,
> is it possible to contact Pov-Team *direcly* in metters of PovRAY license?
Possible solution: http://tag.povray.org/
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(As a nosey, butting-in type comment, I'd think the POV team
could put a little priority on things like this where someone's
*paying job* is involved...a bit more important than just any
ol' request-for-contact that's put on the bottom of queue
of things-to-do, yes? O.o )
Tim Cook
Version: 3.12
GFA dpu- s: a?-- C++(++++) U P? L E--- W++(+++)>$
N++ o? K- w(+) O? M-(--) V? PS+(+++) PE(--) Y(--)
PGP-(--) t* 5++>+++++ X+ R* tv+ b++(+++) DI
D++(---) G(++) e*>++ h+ !r--- !y--
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On 9 Aug 2004 14:19:00 -0400, "Rafal 'Raf256' Maj" <spa### [at] raf256 com> wrote:
> And to cleryfie, I did ask for licence agreement on email, as written in
> license-agreement on povray WWW, and this project is quite big, easy CAD-
> like program (aimed to non-professional users), that will be selled on CD
> (in Poland, possible later in soem other countries AFAIK).
Out of curiosity, do you have some lawyer (English skilled) in the team of
your boss who readed licences of POV-Ray and agreed you to process on the
licenses or is this contract (between your boss and POV-Team) based on your
language skills ? I'm not skilled myself but I do not make any deal with Team.
> p.s. perhaps we have someone from Australia here
http://www.aussie.org/ :-)
> who would be so nice and
> send standard mail letter to
> PO Box 407 Williamstown, Victoria 3016 Australia
> for me? (Sice sending it directly from Poland will take looong time
> probably).
Common, Rafal, we are part of EU in XXI century. Even good old Pocztex
guarantees max 4 days to Australia http://www.pocztex.pl/terminy.htm
We only wait for PayPal support :-(
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abx### [at] abx art pl news:5fhfh0pj9ki0lrbthi8icdo4hapdo4rap9@4ax.com
> Out of curiosity, do you have some lawyer (English skilled) in the
> team of your boss who readed licences of POV-Ray and agreed you to
> process on the licenses or is this contract (between your boss and
> POV-Team) based on your language skills ? I'm not skilled myself but I
> do not make any deal with Team.
I only asked are they willing to grand licence to distrubiute PovRAY along
with commercial program on one CD (since "please go to www.povray.org and
download, etc..." is not tolerable - program must be lames-friendly and
install everything from my program to povray renderer in "one click").
We do have a lawyer AFAIK (it's boss job to sign licence, not mine, but
since I know PovRAY and my boss just found about it when I suggested is as
>> p.s. perhaps we have someone from Australia here
> http://www.aussie.org/ :-)
> Common, Rafal, we are part of EU in XXI century. Even good old Pocztex
> guarantees max 4 days to Australia http://www.pocztex.pl/terminy.htm
Ok, this will make things easier.
Rafal Maj 'Raf256', home page - http://www.raf256.com/me/
Computer Graphics
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abx### [at] abx art pl news:eogfh0p5756kpg7c1tor4olpmjsp73mmgn@4ax.com
>> If they wont respond to my boss also, we will probably just let go of
>> PovRAY idea - I will write for Blender or other simmilar project
> Revenge ?
Uhm? I will not write renderer myself in one moth fro scratch ;) so only
option is to use another product, isn't it?
>> will NOT be known to additional severl thousends computer users, they
> Nice tone of speech, very nice.
? I also wish all that things would come true, but if PovTeam will not
allow me to use PovRAY, what else can I do?
>> Again,
>> is it possible to contact Pov-Team *direcly* in metters of PovRAY
>> license?
> Possible solution: http://tag.povray.org/
Rafal Maj 'Raf256', home page - http://www.raf256.com/me/
Computer Graphics
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On 9 Aug 2004 15:02:20 -0400, "Rafal 'Raf256' Maj" <spa### [at] raf256 com> wrote:
> install everything from my program to povray renderer in "one click"
IIRC performing action after one click is pattented somewhere.
Or is it only for buying ? http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/amazonpatent.html
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abx### [at] abx art pl news:pjifh0tdkto2dj01kjjnh3b1gjhub3eh6b@4ax.com
> IIRC performing action after one click is pattented somewhere.
> Or is it only for buying ?
> http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/amazonpatent.html
We will worry about that when selling to countries with quite
<rot13>shpxrq hc</rot13> pattents laws, like the USA (btw, another reason
to "love" this country), AFAIK distributor is now willing to sell it in
Poland, then perhaps in UE (don't know about plans for USA).
Rafal Maj 'Raf256', home page - http://www.raf256.com/me/
Computer Graphics
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abx### [at] abx art pl news:eogfh0p5756kpg7c1tor4olpmjsp73mmgn@4ax.com
> *any* ? Team member answered to you 30 minutes after
> your original post 9 days ago.
Yes, after that I go to pointed WWW and read license, and from what I
understand I have to ask for license/permission in writting, so I did write
request same day (or was it next day?) and no response, even reading
confirmation so far.
>> will NOT be known to additional severl thousends computer users, they
>> will be no nice program with "uses PovRAY" logo on it, www.povray.org
When I would HAVE to use other renderer, then logo will say -
uses Blender renderer, or uses Rayshade renderer(lol - it's quite old today
;), or last possibility - we will drop writting this program in general
(because budget is too low probably to buy some other good rendering
solution in this first version of the program).
Rafal Maj 'Raf256', home page - http://www.raf256.com/me/
Computer Graphics
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