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if everyting will work o.k. I will be writting quite big commercial 3d
application (some type of CAD-like program) in C++.
One of functions of application will be to visualize finaly created shape.
I choose PovRAY, because I know it, it is free, can give both fast preview
and slow but photorealistic quality, it is easy to generate .pov file for
objects that my application will work on, and POV works both in win32 and
But I worry a bit about legal aspects - can PovRAY be distributed togeather
with commercial application on a CD? Probably price of CD with application
(+PovRAY) would be between 5 and 50 USD (depending on program version etc).
It is probably impossible to tell user "go to www.povray.org/download/ and
install this application" - because program should be user friendly (or
rather non-computer-newbies-and-lazy-users friendly).
Can POV be distributed on that CD? For example it would be no problem to
inform that "PovRAY is a free tool created by [...] and can be downloaded
for free from [...]" on program box or in program itself, and/or distribute
source code also, etc, etc.
If program will succeed it probably be sell in about 5.000 .. 50.000 copies
(in Poland, plus maybe later a version for other countries, plus some
smaller version distrubuted with a computer magaizne, etc, etc) - quite
good way to promote PovRAY - isn't it?
PS. whom can I contact by email to discuss it (someone form pov TAG
Rafal Maj 'Raf256', home page - http://www.raf256.com/me/
Computer Graphics
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From: Thorsten Froehlich
Subject: Re: PovRay as a renderer for commercial program
Date: 31 Jul 2004 15:03:34
Message: <410bed06@news.povray.org>
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In article <Xns9537D083E3AC0raf256com@> , "Rafal 'Raf256' Maj"
<spa### [at] raf256 com> wrote:
> PS. whom can I contact by email to discuss it (someone form pov TAG
> perhaps?)
All your questions are answered in the distribution license of POV-Ray,
which you can easily find on the povray.org website:
Read it carefully, and all your questions will be answered.
Thorsten Froehlich, Duisburg, Germany
e-mail: tho### [at] trf de
Visit POV-Ray on the web: http://mac.povray.org
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tho### [at] trf de news:410bed06@news.povray.org
> <http://www.povray.org/distribution-license.html>
> Read it carefully, and all your questions will be answered.
Thanks. I emailed asking for more details yesterdy... can I expect answare
sometime soon (I dont have too much time to choose tools that I will use)?
Rafal Maj 'Raf256', home page - http://www.raf256.com/me/
Computer Graphics
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spa### [at] raf256 com news:Xns9538D25153C7Fraf256com@
> Thanks. I emailed asking for more details yesterdy... can I expect
> answare sometime soon (I dont have too much time to choose tools that
> I will use)?
Still no answare from team-coord-Jul-2004 %%% PovRay domain.
(where %%% is "at") not evene a reading confirmation...
Is theresoem other email adress? I dont want to write normal letter bacause
it will take too long to arrive.
Rafal Maj 'Raf256', home page - http://www.raf256.com/me/
Computer Graphics
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From: Thorsten Froehlich
Subject: Re: PovRay as a renderer for commercial program
Date: 3 Aug 2004 18:03:47
Message: <41100bc3@news.povray.org>
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In article <Xns953A8CA72BAA8raf256com@>, "Rafal 'Raf256' Maj"
<spa### [at] raf256 com> wrote:
> Still no answare from team-coord-Jul-2004 %%% PovRay domain.
> (where %%% is "at") not evene a reading confirmation...
> Is theresoem other email adress? I dont want to write normal letter bacause
> it will take too long to arrive.
Do you expect everybody is just waiting to answer _your_ email? Patience
will help. Nothing else will.
Thorsten Froehlich, Duisburg, Germany
e-mail: tho### [at] trf de
Visit POV-Ray on the web: http://mac.povray.org
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tho### [at] trf de news:41100bc3@news.povray.org
> Do you expect everybody is just waiting to answer _your_ email?
I thought that a serious organization could check email at least every few
days and send at least a reading confirmation, but I might be wrong...
> Patience will help. Nothing else will.
Just hoping my inwestors will be patient as well and I dont have to switch
to i.e. blender :/
Rafal Maj 'Raf256', home page - http://www.raf256.com/me/
Computer Graphics
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From: Mike Raiford
Subject: Re: PovRay as a renderer for commercial program
Date: 4 Aug 2004 10:18:33
Message: <4110f039@news.povray.org>
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Rafal 'Raf256' Maj wrote:
> I thought that a serious organization could check email at least every few
> days and send at least a reading confirmation, but I might be wrong...
Not to butt in or anything, but the POV-Team is an entirely volunteer
effort, and I'm sure they get a massive amount of e-mails every day. It
also seems that the question you're asking should be covered in the
distribution license.
As an aside -- have you considered using OpenGL as a preview method,
with POV-Ray as an option for output? Puts all legal questions aside.
Sorry, I did sort of butt into the conversation here... ;)
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mra### [at] hotmail com news:4110f039@news.povray.org
> Not to butt in or anything, but the POV-Team is an entirely volunteer
> effort, and I'm sure they get a massive amount of e-mails every day.
> It also seems that the question you're asking should be covered in the
> distribution license.
It was more a request to grand me (my company) licence (in writting etc) to
distribute PovRAY on one CD along with a commercial program.
> As an aside -- have you considered using OpenGL as a preview method,
Preview will be in wire-mode, and I will write it probably in allegro or
allegroGL library. The final visualization is a problem, and PovRAY - not
only that I like it most, also it is *perfect* tool for my purpose,
probably most comfortable to achive 3d visualiztion of this kind of 3d
> with POV-Ray as an option for output? Puts all legal questions aside.
Only question is - can I put PovRAY on one CD, because program should be
user-freindly (also lame, busy or lazy users friendly), therefore asking
"please go to here and download povray" is quite roode.
In fact... instalation program could ask "I must connect to internet to
download PovRAY program, should I do it now or later?" but
- user must have internet connetcion
- it's not as comfortable (downloading will take a while)
- it's unnesesary overloading povray.org server
Rafal Maj 'Raf256', home page - http://www.raf256.com/me/
Computer Graphics
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Rafal 'Raf256' Maj wrote:
> It was more a request to grand me (my company) licence (in writting etc) to
> distribute PovRAY on one CD along with a commercial program.
Well, it appears to me that, snide comments aside, you followed the
procedure outlined on the POV-Ray Web site, so I don't know what
all the fuss is about.
Distribution license section 4.1(c):
"POV may, in response to a request, by notice in writing and in
its absolute discretion, permit such bundling on a case by case basis."
This indicates that you must ask for the license by written
request. However, Section 13.4 says:
"The following postal address is only for official license business.
Please note that it is preferred that initial queries about
licensing be made via email; postal mail should only be used
when email is not possible, or when written documents are being
exchanged by prior arrangement."
Further, Section 13.1 says:
"License inquiries can be made via email; please use the following
address (but see 13.2 below prior to emailing) :
team-coord-[three-letter month]-[four-digit year]@povray org."
If you emailed your initial inquiry to this address, then you did what
you were supposed to do (at least it seems that is what the document
Disclaimer: I do not speak for anyone on the POV-Team nor
for the Team itself, just for myself.
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ecp### [at] bellsouth net news:4112355f$1@news.povray.org
> team-coord-[three-letter month]-[four-digit year]@povray org."
> If you emailed your initial inquiry to this address, then you did what
> you were supposed to do (at least it seems that is what the document
> says).
I did exacly this and no response so far :(
Rafal Maj 'Raf256', home page - http://www.raf256.com/me/
Computer Graphics
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