I want to growe few rows on a sphere surface - how can I do it?
One of ideas would be to difference a sphere with a part of torus with same radius
and center.
difference {
sphere { 0 R }
intersection {
torus { R 0.05 }
box { ... } // only part of torus
rotate ...
[... more intersections ...]
I would rather like to have my bups/groves in a .bmp file... so I need something
like height_field, but wrapped into a sphere (I will need only a small part of
sphere about 1/10th of its surface so distorsions aroud "edges" of sphere/texture
- is not a problem)
Other soulution would be maybe to use
sphere { 0 R normal { bump_map { bmp .....
but I need very realistic results, normals are not enought.
Hmm maybe some isosurface (or parametric) - but this soulution is very slow...
Or maybe some macro to generate a curved heightfield from an pattern / image? (or
just to generate an HF-mesh, I will try to adjust it) or any other sugestions..
:) ?
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Wasn't it no.### [at] here sorry who wrote:
>I want to growe few rows on a sphere surface - how can I do it?
>One of ideas would be to difference a sphere with a part of torus with same
>and center.
>difference {
> sphere { 0 R }
> intersection {
> torus { R 0.05 }
> box { ... } // only part of torus
> rotate ...
> }
> [... more intersections ...]
>I would rather like to have my bups/groves in a .bmp file... so I need something
>like height_field, but wrapped into a sphere (I will need only a small part of
>sphere about 1/10th of its surface so distorsions aroud "edges" of
>- is not a problem)
>Other soulution would be maybe to use
>sphere { 0 R normal { bump_map { bmp .....
>but I need very realistic results, normals are not enought.
>Hmm maybe some isosurface (or parametric) - but this soulution is very slow...
Simple isosurfaces like this are not all that slow. Try this for grooves
that follow lines of latitude. It only takes about 7 times longer than
rendering a plain sphere{0,1}.
#include "functions.inc"
#declare Frequency=60;
#declare Depth=0.02;
isosurface {
function {f_sphere(x,y,z,1) + sin(Frequency*f_ph(x,y,z))*Depth}
max_gradient 1.8
contained_by {sphere {0,1}}
pigment {rgb 1}
If you don't want sharp edges on the sides of the grooves use
contained_by {sphere {0,1+Depth}}
For lines of longitude use
For lines of latitude that get closer near the equator use
Mike Williams
Gentleman of Leisure
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