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Do we have some PovRay step-by-step tutorial yet?
That will start with explaining basics, and then introduce more complec
objects, effects etc?
Something like manual but with more examples, and more book-like?
Rafal Maj 'Raf256', home page - http://www.raf256.com/me/
Computer Graphics
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Rafal 'Raf256' Maj schrieb:
> Do we have some PovRay step-by-step tutorial yet?
> That will start with explaining basics, and then introduce more complec
> objects, effects etc?
> Something like manual but with more examples, and more book-like?
I think http://www.f-lohmueller.de/pov_tut/pov__eng.htm is great.
mat### [at] matwei de
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Rafal 'Raf256' Maj nous apporta ses lumieres ainsi en ce 2004/04/09
22:26... :
>Do we have some PovRay step-by-step tutorial yet?
>That will start with explaining basics, and then introduce more complec
>objects, effects etc?
>Something like manual but with more examples, and more book-like?
The windows version does have such a tutorial. It start with an empty
scene with only a plain background, and build up. I used it from start
to finish. I don't know for other platform.
Using the windows version, click the "? POV-Win" button (Green "?").
Select point 3.0 Beginning Tutorial. Good for POV-Ray 3.4 and 3.5.
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Rafal 'Raf256' Maj wrote:
> Do we have some PovRay step-by-step tutorial yet?
Where's your love of adventure? If you want someone to tell what to
do and how to do it there are plenty out there that do it. But, you'll
If you want ART you'll have to make it. Part of the prosess it to learn
the tools you use. POV is just another tool. Learn it, play with it,
have FUN with it! I have POV on my computer longer than I care to think
about and every once in a while I still found something I didn't know it
could do.
IT is what YOU want to DO that is important. POV is Great, but it has
it limitations. It is up to you to find out what POV can do for you.
People here will help you as much as they can. A few of times someone
will come up with a problem that border on what POV can do. When that
happen you find that people are interested, enough so that the solution
maybe added to the new version of POV.
I hope that POV helps you do the art you want and that you have a great
adventure in learning POV. HAVE FUN!
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