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Ummm me again!
Here is another use that boggles my mind:
scale 10 + z * 30
Without testing I would assume the following 2 lines will do the same as
scale <10,10,10>
scale < 1, 1,30>
or am I reading it wrong.
I believe the use of x, y and z (also t, u and v for that matter) are
to make things more readable, not more complex.
I guess this goes with any language, where one can create complex
shortcuts that become not so obvious to read later on.
I'm not in my cup tonight, please excuse me :)
Marc Champagne
Montreal, CANADA
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> scale 10 + z * 30
This is equivalent to
scale <10, 10, 10> + <0, 0, 30>
scale <10, 10, 40>
> Without testing I would assume the following 2 lines will do the same as
> above:
> scale <10,10,10>
> scale < 1, 1,30>
No, the above is equivalent to
scale <10, 10, 300>
You'll get used to these sort of vector additions with a little practice,
and you'll be able to quickly identify what an expression evaluates to.
- Slime
[ http://www.slimeland.com/ ]
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"Slime" <fak### [at] email address> wrote in news:3f5fef88$1@news.povray.org:
>> scale 10 + z * 30
> This is equivalent to
> scale <10, 10, 10> + <0, 0, 30>
> or
> scale <10, 10, 40>
>> Without testing I would assume the following 2 lines will do the same
>> as above:
>> scale <10,10,10>
>> scale < 1, 1,30>
> No, the above is equivalent to
> scale <10, 10, 300>
> You'll get used to these sort of vector additions with a little
> practice, and you'll be able to quickly identify what an expression
> evaluates to.
I rest my case :)
Well it turns out that
scale <10, 10, 40>
is a lot more readable and less open to misinterpretation than is
scale 10 + z * 30
There is just the problem, clarity gone out the window.
It's just frustrating that such a simple instruction can be so complex
and hard to read.
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