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Alright I've tried to get this to work but somehow I don't have a visible
What I have doesn't work <hehehe> hence the post.. what I want is the
bright light that's visable IE you can see the light itself moving away.
here is the anoying snipet of script
#declare Pulse=
<0,0,0> color Red
fade_power 1
fade_distance 2
{ <0, 0, 0>, .99
scale <-0.03, 0.018, 0.03>
for the life of me I get this red object moving that's it. ERG
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In article
<Xns### [at] 204 213 191 226>,
"Stephen R. Phillips" <cyb### [at] socket net> wrote:
> #declare Pulse=
> light_source
> {
> <0,0,0> color Red
> fade_power 1
> fade_distance 2
> looks_like
> {
> sphere
> { <0, 0, 0>, .99
> scale <-0.03, 0.018, 0.03>
> }
> }
> }
You don't have any texture defined for the sphere, so it defaults to
black. You also have it scaled pretty small...you didn't give what scale
you're working at, but it may be too small to see.
Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlink net>
POV-Ray TAG: chr### [at] tag povray org
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Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlink net> wrote in news:cjameshuff-
FF2### [at] netplex aussie org:
> You don't have any texture defined for the sphere, so it defaults to
> black. You also have it scaled pretty small...you didn't give what scale
> you're working at, but it may be too small to see.
It's seeable.. I originaly set it as red with ambient of red but it should
look like a STAR or am I a bit confused? Hmmm maybe I should use a object
with media in it and a light inside of it.. the object moves with the
light.. ehh this is so messy.
The camera is close it's angle is in the direction the light is moving..
I'm kind of going for the shooting star look.
Thanks.. I just thought it would have a lense flare look to it and.. it
didn't. I used media on the scene
2, color Grey10
this works great save I can't get the frilly halo like affect I want from
the light! :)
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Stephen R. Phillips wrote:
> What I have doesn't work <hehehe> hence the post.. what I want is the
> follow
> bright light that's visable IE you can see the light itself moving away.
> for the life of me I get this red object moving that's it. ERG
When I first read through you msg, I thought that you wanted to move
your Pulse object trough your scene (presumably in an animation), and
that should be simple enough (just use the clock variable to calculate
the position, and translate the object), but then I re-read the msg, and
now not sure at all, what it is that you are asking.
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In article
<Xns### [at] 204 213 191 226>,
"Stephen R. Phillips" <cyb### [at] socket net> wrote:
> It's seeable.. I originaly set it as red with ambient of red but it should
> look like a STAR or am I a bit confused? Hmmm maybe I should use a object
> with media in it and a light inside of it.. the object moves with the
> light.. ehh this is so messy.
You used "looks_like {sphere {...}}", so it looks like a sphere. If you
make your sphere really small and high ambient, it will look a bit like
a star.
> Thanks.. I just thought it would have a lense flare look to it and.. it
> didn't. I used media on the scene
> this works great save I can't get the frilly halo like affect I want from
> the light! :)
Why would it have a lens flare? You told it to look like a sphere.
If a lens flare is what you want, media won't help...lens flare is an
effect of the lens in the camera, not of the atmosphere. What you're
simulating is atmospheric glow due to scattering. If you want lens
flare, here's an include file for generating them:
Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlink net>
POV-Ray TAG: chr### [at] tag povray org
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