It seems POV-Ray has problems reading ppm-files it has generated itself.
- Run the first scene, then use the result in the second scene below.
- With any value of the +fp commandline-switch between 0 and 13 for the
first scene, rendering the second scene results is an error:
File: D:\Ingo\SceneTest\test2.pov Line: 47
image_map {
ppm "test1.ppm" <----ERROR
Parse Error: Unsupported number of colors (0) in PPM image.
- If the value for +fp is in the range 14-16, an image is rendered but the
result is garbled.
- Doing the same with png's gives a perfect result.
// test1.pov
// +w500 +h500 +fp(0-13)(14-16)
#version 3.5;
global_settings {assumed_gamma 1.0}
camera {
location -z
look_at 0
right x*image_width/image_height
angle 90
box {
pigment {
gradient y
translate <0,0.5,0>
scale 2
finish {ambient 1}
// test2.pov
// +w500 +h500
#version 3.5;
global_settings {assumed_gamma 1.0}
camera {
location -z
look_at 0
right x*image_width/image_height
angle 90
box {
pigment {
image_map {
ppm "test1.ppm"
interpolate 2
translate <-0.5,-0.5,0>
scale 2
finish {ambient 1}
POV-Ray 3.5.icl.win32, Win2000, Athlon 1800+, 1.5 GB
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>It seems POV-Ray has problems reading ppm-files it has generated itself.
This seems to be true, at least for the windows version. The funny thing is:
POV writes the files correct but is unable to read them.
I have checked the header, it is in simple ascii format, where P6 stands for
rgb data in binary format, next line is image width and height followed by the
color range (e.g. 255 for 8bit). Note that most image viewer (like IrvanView)
do not read other formats tham 255 (8bit) correct but all bit format as written
by pov are valid ppm files.
Just found one more problem. Any line that starts with '#' in the header is a
comment and should be ignored by the reading software. POV becomes
confused when there is any comment line in the header.
Do all this things also happen with the linux version where ppm is a more native
image format?
Guess I will look up the source and will integrate a bug fix for reading ppm files
into my own POV-Patch.
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On Sat, 28 Dec 2002 10:08:50 +0000, ingo wrote:
> in news:3e0b7154@news.povray.org Ive wrote:
>> This seems to be true,
> Thanks Ive, for the confirmation. I'll make a bugreport for it.
> Ingo
If you're still looking for a fix for this I've started going through
ppm.cpp and fixing it up (I found an old utility of my own that outputs
Diff posted in povray.binaries.programming
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