1. what cammera settings will give rendering in with coordinates of each
point (x,y) are representing angles beetwen camera, i.e. in 360x180 image :
sphere { z*100 }
then rotaten horizonaly by X degrees will be in image on (180+X,90)
then rotaten verticaly by Y degrees will be in image on (180,90+Y/2)
<0,0,100> (in front of camera) will land in center of image (180,90)
<-100,0,0> will land in ( 0,90)
<+100,0,0> will land in (360,90)
so general
sphere { z*100 1 rotate x*X rotate y*Y }
will be in image in (180+X, 90+Y)
camera {
// what put here ?
location 0
look_at z
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On 4 Jul 2002 12:49:05 -0400, "Rafal 'Raf256' Maj" <raf### [at] raf256 com> wrote:
> 1. what cammera settings will give rendering in with coordinates of each
> point (x,y) are representing angles beetwen camera, i.e. in 360x180 image :
I'm not sure I understand your question but perhaps you are asking about
spherical camera...
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