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i have been wondering whether the recent 3.5 version of POVray
features a different attenuation formula in comparison to 3.1a
(that's the version i have) ...
Well, actually, the formula in 3.1a is not bad, as it approximates
reality quite well, but it is not 100% correct ... it should be an
exponential decay - something like Inew = Iold * (e ** (- k * d)),
with e = 2.718.., ** = power, k = constant determining the strength
of attenuation, d = distance the ray had to take through the medium -
instead, shouldn't it?
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"Niels Boehm" <boh### [at] minet uni-jena de> wrote in message
news:Pin### [at] paxp12 mipool uni-jena de...
i have been wondering whether the recent 3.5 version of POVray
features a different attenuation formula in comparison to 3.1a
(that's the version i have) ...
It has carried over the "more realistic attenuation" from MegaPOV 0.7.
Use it by specifying a number of 1000 or greater for 'fade_power'.
Well, actually, the formula in 3.1a is not bad, as it approximates
reality quite well, but it is not 100% correct ... it should be an
exponential decay - something like Inew = Iold * (e ** (- k * d)),
with e = 2.718.., ** = power, k = constant determining the strength
of attenuation, d = distance the ray had to take through the medium -
instead, shouldn't it?
Don't ask me. ;-)
The doc says: Attenuation = exp(-depth/fade_dist)
However, that's only for 'interior' and not for lights. Light sources still
only use the usual linear, quadratic, etc., fading.
Bob H.
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"Bob H." wrote:
> Light sources still
> only use the usual linear, quadratic, etc., fading.
Of which the fade_power 2 is the physically accurate one. Actually
it is calculated so that it is accurate for a light source with
non zero dimensions which is better than 1/r^2 because most real
light sources are not point sources.
I'm anticipating some responses to this so here is some more. Light
_does_not_ fade in vacuum because there is some mysterious "ether"
in there. The fading is caused by simple geometry. Let's say a point
source at the center of a 1 m radius sphere emits 1 W of energy. The
inside of the sphere receives 1 W of energy. The surface area is
1 W of energy (no ether). The surface brightness of the sphere has
decreased because the energy per area has decreased. The area is now
This where the 1/r^2 comes.
Even lighting engineers don't bother to calculate the effect of
absobtion caused by air but it's possible in povray. Put
media_attenuation on in the light sources and some media in the scene.
The effect is visible over large distances, like 1 km.
Kari Kivisalo
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On Sat, 8 Sep 2001, Bob H. wrote:
> "Niels Boehm" <boh### [at] minet uni-jena de> wrote in message
> news:Pin### [at] paxp12 mipool uni-jena de...
> > i have been wondering whether the recent 3.5 version of POVray
> > features a different attenuation formula in comparison to 3.1a
> > (that's the version i have) ...
> It has carried over the "more realistic attenuation" from MegaPOV 0.7.
> Use it by specifying a number of 1000 or greater for 'fade_power'.
Well, then I'll have to wait until 3.5 possibly gets ported to my
platform ;)
> > Well, actually, the formula in 3.1a is not bad, as it
> > approximates reality quite well, but it is not 100% correct ...
> > it should be an exponential decay - something like Inew = Iold *
> > (e ** (- k * d)), with e = 2.718.., ** = power, k = constant
> > determining the strength of attenuation, d = distance the ray had
> > to take through the medium - instead, shouldn't it?
> Don't ask me. ;-)
> The doc says: Attenuation = exp(-depth/fade_dist)
Yeah, that's virtually the same formula as i suggested ;)
(with k = 1/fade_dist)
> However, that's only for 'interior' and not for lights. Light sources still
> only use the usual linear, quadratic, etc., fading.
Well, the attenuation in the interior of objects was exactly what i
was interested in, since the other stuff is quite correct as it is.
Niels Boehm
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