Wasn't it Darren New who wrote:
>I'm trying to put images on curtains to make a tapestry. The curtains
>themselves are linear_sweep cubic_spline prisms. It seems to work
>mostly-ok if I have a curtain that is essentially in the x-y plane, and
>if I rotate the image I can put it on a curtain that's in the y-z plane.
>However, I was trying to use uv_mapping to get the image to conform to
>the surface, and it seems to work (I think) on a curtain in the x-y
>plane, but gives me all kinds of bizarre results in the y-z plane.
>(Again, not planes, but prisms that are basically long and skinny.)
> From reading the manual, it looks like image mapping onto a prism isn't
>supported in 3.5. From playing around with trying to make it work, and
>dropping back to simpler examples, it seems like a non-uv-mapped image
>fits in the 1x1 square (regardless of the actual shape of the image,
>too, which seems odd) and a uv-mapped image is ... larger? Or is it
>mapped point-for-point with images on the object it's wrapping and I'm
>just misinterpreting what I'm seeing?
Uv mapping is not supported for prism object. The "uv_mapping" keyword
is ignored and you get exactly the same result as for non-uv-mapping.
The image is painted onto the <0,0>,<1,1> square.
>Is there any way of getting an image to map to a spline and look like
>it's following with wiggles?
You have to use one of the objects that supports uv_mapping. That's
bicubic_patch, mesh, mesh2, lathe, sor, sphere or box. I guess it would
be possible to construct a curtain from bicubic pathces, but I'd tend to
go with meshes since I'm more familiar with mesh generators.
Here's a simple example using Ingo Janssen's "param.inc". The x
parameter of MySpline controls how x varies (it's almost linear with a
bit of a sway). The y parapmeter of MySPline controls how y varies (it
stretches slightly at the top, as if the curtain stretches under its own
weight). The z parameter of MySpline controls how z varies (it wiggles
back and forth). I've added some slight sideways wiggles with the
"+ MySpline(v).z*0.2" bit.
"param.inc" is part of the "mmmm" package at
#declare MySpline = function {
spline {
-1.5, <-1.5,-1.5, -0.2>,
-1.0, <-1, -1.0, 0.2>,
-0.5, <-0.4,-0.5, -0.2>,
0.0, < 0, 0.0, 0.2>,
0.5, < 0.6, 0.5, -0.2>,
1.0, < 1, 1.5, 0.2>,
1.5, < 1.5 2.5, -0.2>
#declare Fx = function(x,y) {MySpline(u).x}
#declare Fy = function(x,y) {MySpline(y).y}
#declare Fz = function(x,y) {MySpline(u).z + MySpline(v).z*0.2}
#include "param.inc"
object {Parametric(Fx,Fy,Fz,<-1,-1>,<1,1>,20,20,"")
pigment {uv_mapping image_map {png "arrow.png"}}
Mike Williams
Gentleman of Leisure
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