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I found following paper this morning, authors are offering new
approach to space filling, calling it a 'soft tilings':
Looks very attractive and guess, this objects are waiting for SDL
implementation ;)
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On 15.09.2024 11:21, yesbird wrote:
> Hi,
> I found following paper this morning, authors are offering new
> approach to space filling, calling it a 'soft tilings':
> https://academic.oup.com/pnasnexus/article/3/9/pgae311/7754698?login=false
I don't quite see an "innovation". In rectangular bitmap tiling there is
a well known trick based on "wraparound" processing, allowing to do
anything, including distortions, producing what the authors called
"soft" tiling (surely, tiling symmetry remains the same but it's harder
to see). I did it for web backgrounds before it became a mainstream ;-)
In fact, I did something like this for "puzzle" preset for my POVRay
Mosaic, there "thingie" object is defined as:
#declare pin_rad = 0.2;
#declare pin_off = 0.1;
#declare thingie = difference {
union {
<-0.5, -0.5, -0.5>, <0.5, 0.5, 0.5>
cylinder {
<-0.5-pin_off, 0, -0.5>, <-0.5-pin_off, 0, 0.5>, pin_rad
cylinder {
<0, -0.5-pin_off, -0.5>, <0, -0.5-pin_off, 0.5>, pin_rad
union {
cylinder {
<0.5-pin_off, 0, -1>, <0.5-pin_off, 0, 1>, pin_rad
cylinder {
<0, 0.5-pin_off, -1>, <0, 0.5-pin_off, 1>, pin_rad
scale 0.99
Easy to see that cylinders for pins at one side and cylinders for
holes at another side are internally linked though "pin_off" variable,
providing wraparound movement. Now, if one dare to replace cylinders
with prism control points...
Ilyich the Toad
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On 15.09.2024 11:21, yesbird wrote:
> Hi,
> I found following paper this morning, authors are offering new
> approach to space filling, calling it a 'soft tilings':
BTW, speaking of tiling (although not too soft): recently I've released
small update to my POVRay Mosaic, besides some small programs
improvements here and there it contains some new presets in POVRay .inc
files. Among them there's a tileable one:
regarding which I'm still not sure whether it was a good idea to add it
to repo or not...
Ilyich the Toad
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From: kurtz le pirate
Subject: Re: New interesting class of shapes to model
Date: 20 Sep 2024 11:22:08
Message: <66ed9320$1@news.povray.org>
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On 16/09/2024 09:39, Ilya Razmanov wrote:
> I don't quite see an "innovation". In rectangular bitmap tiling there is
> a well known trick based on "wraparound" processing, allowing to do
> anything, including distortions, producing what the authors called
> "soft" tiling (surely, tiling symmetry remains the same but it's harder
> to see). I did it for web backgrounds before it became a mainstream ;-)
> In fact, I did something like this for "puzzle" preset for my POVRay
> Mosaic, there "thingie" object is defined as:
Ho, yes. Well know tricks
Here, a "thingie plane" based on your object ;)
Kurtz le pirate
Compagnie de la Banquise
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On 20.09.2024 18:22, kurtz le pirate wrote:
> On 16/09/2024 09:39, Ilya Razmanov wrote:
> Ho, yes. Well know tricks
> Here, a "thingie plane" based on your object ;)
With recent update, I added a couple more presets using similar idea,
like that one:
#local timerand = seed(int(now*100000)); // Seeding time {#886600, 1}
#local a = 1.5; // Overall offset factor, exceeding 2.0 may lead to
weird effects
// Critical part: {#880000, 2}
#declare of26 = <a * (rand(timerand) - 0.5), a * (rand(timerand) - 0.5)>;
#declare of48 = <a * (rand(timerand) - 0.5), a * (rand(timerand) - 0.5)>;
#declare thingie = prism{conic_sweep linear_spline -1, 0, 9,
<-1, -1>, <0, -1> + of26, <1, -1>,
<1, 0> + of48,
<1, 1>, <0, 1> + of26, <-1, 1>,
<-1, 0> + of48,
<-1, -1>}
Funny thing is, it works :-)
Ilyich the Toad
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