I needed to make some interpolations in my project, which led me to this
macro that I'm sharing here.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Macro LagrangeInterpolation()
// Input :
// - TabularValues : a two dimensional array than contain the x and the
// y coordinates.
// - xValue : the given abscissae.
// Output :
// - The interpolated value for the given xValue.
// Note 1 : A remarkable feature of Lagrange interpolation is that
// the values entered initially do not have to be in order,
// or evenly spaced. Accuracy is usually better with uniform
// spacing, however.
// Note 2 : It's remarkable that, even for values of x outside the given
// range, the Lagrange interpolation formula still produces
// fairly good values.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#macro LagrangeInterpolation(TabularValues, xValue)
#local n = dimension_size(TabularValues,1);
#local yValue = 0.0;
#local i = 1;
#while ( i < n )
#local p = 1;
#local j = 1;
#while ( j < n )
#if(i != j )
#local p = p*(xValue - TabularValues[j][0])/(TabularValues[i][0] -
#local j = j + 1;
#local yValue = yValue + p*TabularValues[i][1];
#local i = i +1;
With a small example.
// Six values
#declare N = 6;
// First table column : angle in degrees
// Second column : nothing for the moment
#declare SinusData = array[N][2] {
// Filling the second column with sinuses
#declare i = 0;
#while( i < N)
#declare SinusData[i][1]=sin(radians(SinusData[i][0]));
// Display array
#debug concat(str(i,2,0)," : ",str(SinusData[i][0],0,2),
" | ",str(SinusData[i][1],0,6),"\n")
#declare i = i + 1;
// A value within the range or not
#declare xp = 30.0;
// Interpolation for this value
#declare Val = LagrangeInterpolation(SinusData, xp);
// Because real value is know, calculate the difference
#declare e = sin(radians(xp))-Val;
// And displaying the results
#debug concat("For x = ",str(xp,0,2)," interpolated value is
",str(Val,0,6)," with a gap of ",str(e,0,6),".\n")
Which gives :
0 : 29.43 | 0.491360
1 : 30.97 | 0.514589
2 : 27.69 | 0.464688
3 : 28.11 | 0.471166
4 : 31.58 | 0.523689
5 : 33.05 | 0.545371
For x = 30.00 interpolated value is 0.500000 with a gap of -0.000000.
If that helps...
Kurtz le pirate
Compagnie de la Banquise
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