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On 14.01.2024 10:11, Thomas de Groot wrote:
> I think it is neat and I like it. Maybe this is also thought of here,
> but what if the cube rotations were increasingly random with
> increasingly darker colours?
Well, programs are small and key part is mostly concentrated in on
string, so, if you have Python (I had it because daughter installed it
for some other purposes, so, to get the Python, you should get a
daughter as an installation manager), you can rotate, resize, whatever
these cubes as you wish. Besides, they are not just cubes - they are
declared as "thingie" in the beginning of POV file, so you can change
them from "box" to something else. The only reason I don't do every
possible thing inside program is that it would actually require some
fast preview to make sence of such a flexible editing, and I don't see
the way to have a preview so far. Rumors are there's a OpenGL for
Python, but I have no experience with it, maybe it's not good enough for
my purpose.
But well, so far you can edit all this with text editor and hopefully do
something that may be considered "art".
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From: Ilya Razmanov
Subject: Converting image pixels into POV-Ray *anything* mosaic
Date: 28 Jan 2024 12:11:32
Message: <65b68ac4@news.povray.org>
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Well, it should have been happen someday: to the collection of Python
programs for conversion of bitmap into POVRay solid objects mosaic two
more programs (p3zaika.py and p6zaika.py) were added, converting bitmap
into a pack of triangle prisms or hexagonal prisms, correspondingly
(sample output of p6zaika attached).
All programs reside at
and may be used, modified and tortured for free.
So, currently spheres, cubes, and two sorts of prisms are included as
mosaic primitives, and all regular plane partitions (3/6, 4/4 and 6/3)
covered. Considering the fact that POV output of these is as flexible as
I could imagine, so you may edit objects properties or even replace
objects globally, there is a vast opportunity to produce mosaic-looking
posters, greetings cards, ads, and, all in all, molest humans
graphically. Enjoy.
Meanwhile, while POV primitives seem to be exhaused (more or less), I
may probably continue with something more complex. Beware.
Ilyich the Toad
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Download '-6.png' (480 KB)
Preview of image '-6.png'

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From: Paolo Gibellini
Subject: Re: Converting image pixels into POV-Ray *anything* mosaic
Date: 28 Jan 2024 13:14:21
Message: <65b6997d$1@news.povray.org>
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Il 28/01/2024 18:11, Ilya Razmanov ha scritto:
> Well, it should have been happen someday: to the collection of Python
> programs for conversion of bitmap into POVRay solid objects mosaic two
> more programs (p3zaika.py and p6zaika.py) were added, converting bitmap
> into a pack of triangle prisms or hexagonal prisms, correspondingly
> (sample output of p6zaika attached).
> All programs reside at
> https://github.com/Dnyarri/POVmosaic
> and may be used, modified and tortured for free.
> So, currently spheres, cubes, and two sorts of prisms are included as
> mosaic primitives, and all regular plane partitions (3/6, 4/4 and 6/3)
> covered. Considering the fact that POV output of these is as flexible as
> I could imagine, so you may edit objects properties or even replace
> objects globally, there is a vast opportunity to produce mosaic-looking
> posters, greetings cards, ads, and, all in all, molest humans
> graphically. Enjoy.
> Meanwhile, while POV primitives seem to be exhaused (more or less), I
> may probably continue with something more complex. Beware.
> Ilyich the Toad
> https://github.com/Dnyarri
This is a good shot, Ilya!
Now, you can use each kind of shape, like in the old GIMP filter.
Interesting work.
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From: Ilya Razmanov
Subject: Re: Converting image pixels into POV-Ray *anything* mosaic
Date: 28 Jan 2024 16:45:05
Message: <65b6cae1$1@news.povray.org>
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On 28.01.2024 21:14, Paolo Gibellini wrote:
> This is a good shot, Ilya!
> Now, you can use each kind of shape, like in the old GIMP filter.
If you take a look at these programs output, you'll see "thingie"
declared. That's the basic object, mosaic element. Later it gets color
and finish added, is scaled, rotated and moved where necessary, but the
same object is used for all mosaic. Therefore, you may replace it with
another object once, and it will be replaced throughout the whole scene
(just take care about it's size. For spheres and boxes it's 1*1*1, for
others described in the file), using the same symmetry as original.
About the only thing I don't recommend - using too complex objects.
Surely, you can edit POV file produced by my program to add .inc with
very complex object, and it will work (I've tried with spline
figurines), but very slowly.
Ilyich the Toad
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From: Ilya Razmanov
Subject: Superellipsoids (was: Converting image pixels into POV-Ray spheres)
Date: 2 Feb 2024 09:28:42
Message: <65bcfc1a@news.povray.org>
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weeked season of grand openings at
meaning first of subfolders is opened to public, namely superellipsoid one.
Currently contain just one program to convert image into a mosaic of
superellipsoids with random parameters. Effect is rather pop than
artistic, but probably useful to make people laugh. Any suggestions on
mapping superellipsoids to something else rather than random are welcome.
Ilyich the Toad
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Download 'super1.png' (167 KB)
Preview of image 'super1.png'

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From: Ilya Razmanov
Subject: Blobs (UPD: Converting image pixels into POV-Ray spheres)
Date: 6 Feb 2024 01:39:36
Message: <65c1d428@news.povray.org>
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one more subproject at
released, namely blob one. Corresponding programs convert input image
into sphere blob. Mostly based on Sphere Mosaic project but, since blob
components have different argument number than spheres, replacing
spheres with blob spheres cannot be done easily with text editor and
required separate program.
Example image attached, all the Python stuff from the project available
at Release page
attached as well.
Now it's time to deal with more complex objects... (beware)
Ilyich the Toad
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Download 'blob3.png' (736 KB)
Download 'primitivemosaic.2024.02.06.zip' (44 KB)
Preview of image 'blob3.png'

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From: Paolo Gibellini
Subject: Re: Converting image pixels into POV-Ray *anything* mosaic
Date: 10 Feb 2024 15:45:39
Message: <65c7e073$1@news.povray.org>
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28/01/2024 22:45, Ilya Razmanov wrote:
> If you take a look at these programs output, you'll see "thingie"
> declared. That's the basic object, mosaic element. Later it gets color
> and finish added, is scaled, rotated and moved where necessary, but the
> same object is used for all mosaic. Therefore, you may replace it with
> another object once, and it will be replaced throughout the whole scene
> (just take care about it's size. For spheres and boxes it's 1*1*1, for
> others described in the file), using the same symmetry as original.
> About the only thing I don't recommend - using too complex objects.
> Surely, you can edit POV file produced by my program to add .inc with
> very complex object, and it will work (I've tried with spline
> figurines), but very slowly.
> Ilyich the Toad
At the moment is difficult for me to spare some time to code, but I will
surely get a look.
A nice work!
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From: Ilya Razmanov
Subject: Print on canvas and cross-stitch added (was Re: Converting image pixels into POV-Ray spheres)
Date: 3 Mar 2024 03:41:24
Message: <65e437b4$1@news.povray.org>
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while trying to understand POVRay functions and turn them into
procedural textures takes time, I decided to release my Python programs
for creating POV scenes simulating textile and cross stitches in their
current state, functions to be implemented later. So they are available
for download at
in "tori" subfolder.
Also, I decided to reduce POVRay newsgroups server load, and create sort
of preview site at
There you can see some preview renderings at default settings. Most of
projects described there are POVRay related.
Ilyich the Toad
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Ilya Razmanov <ily### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> ...
> Also, I decided to reduce POVRay newsgroups server load, and create sort
> of preview site at
v nice design. now looking forward to see what will happen when you discover
the "third dimension" -- media, voxels. ;-)
regards, jr.
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From: Ilya Razmanov
Subject: Re: Print on canvas and cross-stitch added (was Re: Converting image pixels=into POV-Ray spheres)
Date: 3 Mar 2024 12:13:22
Message: <65e4afb2$1@news.povray.org>
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On 03.03.2024 17:04, jr wrote:
> hi,
> v nice design.
It's not my fault ;-) Since the last time I did real website, they made
impressive progress both in improving CSS and shooting down browsers. As
a result, I can widely use CSS and don't have to worry much about
compatibility - no matter what browser client thinks he/she is using,
it's Chromium anyway ;-)
Ilya Razmanov
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