As part of C4D to POV converter (https://github.com/syanenko/cinema2pov)
I would like to implement a materials library, containing the most
impressive samples to represent POV abilities from the best side.
I looked through 'textures.inc' and found a set of materials itself,
different textures and pigments. This is a good source of data to start
from (example attached), but if someone will point me to another source,
it will save a lot of time for me, which I will spend on development of
other features, like blobs (metaballs) export, for example.
Thanks in advance,
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Download 'materials.inc.txt' (3 KB)
yesbird <sya### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> ...
> I looked through 'textures.inc' and found a set of materials itself,
> different textures and pigments. This is a good source of data to start
> from (example attached), but if someone will point me to another source,
> it will save a lot of time for me, ...
searching for 'material' from the POV-Ray home page got me "About 1,090
results". had only a v brief look at the first two results pages but think that
you can find much usable stuff. (with flask of coffee to hand.. ;-))
regards, jr.
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