I have a problem: I changed my harddrives and order of drive letters.
POV-Ray still starts, but it cannot find any INI files etc, as they are
not on C but on drive F.
I also cannot find any longer the POV-Ray master Ini file. In the past,
there was a button to load that INI file.
And I also searched the Windows registry for a place where I could
correct the path, but the only path I found was only for scene files
which I set to drive F.
How to make POV-Ray, when starting, searching for the files on drive F
instead of drive C?
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Sven Littkowski <wrt### [at] yahoo com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a problem: I changed my harddrives and order of drive letters.
> POV-Ray still starts, but it cannot find any INI files etc, as they are
> not on C but on drive F.
> I also cannot find any longer the POV-Ray master Ini file. In the past,
> there was a button to load that INI file.
> And I also searched the Windows registry for a place where I could
> correct the path, but the only path I found was only for scene files
> which I set to drive F.
> How to make POV-Ray, when starting, searching for the files on drive F
> instead of drive C?
> --
> Diese E-Mail wurde von AVG auf Viren geprüft.
> http://www.avg.com
I know this is probably very late.
I just changed the directory names of my POV files. I have several version
And I searched the registry and found all of them. Did you do a full search?
If worse come to worse you can always install it again. I've done that once or
Have Fun!
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