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From: Jörg "Yadgar" Bleimann
Subject: POV-Ray 3.7.0unofficial: Strange error
Date: 24 Feb 2020 15:43:41
Message: <5e54357d@news.povray.org>
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I tried to render a 16-bit heightfield from an ASCII text file (
http://www.bergisch-afghanistan.de/povray/n80e014.txt ) using the
attached script - the scene is parsed, and then POV-Ray crashes with an
*** Error in `povray': corrupted double-linked list: 0x00007fbc84048840 ***
*** Error in `povray': corrupted double-linked list: 0x00007f5ad0048800 ***
I tried also under Windows 7, using both 3.7 and 3.62, but then I always
got the message "Can't open output file" - why?
See you in Khyberspace!
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Download 'ascii2png.pov.txt' (2 KB)
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Le 24/02/2020 à 21:43, Jörg "Yadgar" Bleimann a écrit :
> Hi(gh)!
> I tried to render a 16-bit heightfield from an ASCII text file (
> http://www.bergisch-afghanistan.de/povray/n80e014.txt ) using the
> attached script - the scene is parsed, and then POV-Ray crashes with an
> error:
> *** Error in `povray': corrupted double-linked list: 0x00007fbc84048840 ***
> or
> *** Error in `povray': corrupted double-linked list: 0x00007f5ad0048800 ***
> I tried also under Windows 7, using both 3.7 and 3.62, but then I always
> got the message "Can't open output file" - why?
> See you in Khyberspace!
> Yadgar
I tried on Linux, hgpovray (so not the true povray), compiled with gcc 8.
As well as 3.8.0-alpha.unofficial from 23 July 2019.
No reported problem. But maybe you have some additional options ?
(I just "povray ascii2png.pov", so it computes a png file.)
Memory usage by top: below 7 GB.
> ==== [Parsing...] ==========================================================
> Parsing 1117024K tokens
> File 'ascii2png.pov' line 68: Parse Warning: assumed_gamma not specified, so
> gamma_correction is turned off for compatibility with this pre POV-Ray v3.7
> scene. See the documentation for more details.
> File 'ascii2png.pov' line 68: Parse Warning: This scene did not contain a
> #version directive. Please be aware that as of POV-Ray v3.7, unless already
> specified via an INI option, a #version is expected as the first declaration in
> a scene file. POV-Ray may apply settings to some features that are intended to
> maintain compatibility with pre-v3.7 scenes. You are strongly encouraged to add
> a #version statement to the scene to make your intent clear. Future versions of
> POV-Ray may make the presence of a #version statement mandatory.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Parser Statistics
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Finite Objects: 6481800
> Infinite Objects: 0
> Light Sources: 0
> Total: 6481800
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Parser Time
> Parse Time: 0 hours 4 minutes 20 seconds (260.234 seconds)
> using 1 thread(s) with 260.166 CPU-seconds total
> Bounding Time: 0 hours 0 minutes 20 seconds (20.275 seconds)
> using 1 thread(s) with 20.266 CPU-seconds total
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Render Options
> Quality: 9
> Bounding boxes.......On Bounding threshold: 3
> Antialiasing.........Off
> ==== [Rendering... Press p to pause, q to quit] ============================
> Rendered 480000 of 480000 pixels (100%)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Render Statistics
> Image Resolution 800 x 600
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Pixels: 480000 Samples: 0 Smpls/Pxl: 0.00
> Rays: 480000 Saved: 0 Max Level: 1/5
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Ray->Shape Intersection Tests Succeeded Percentage
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Box 480000 480000 100.00
> Bounding Box 22727016 5760000 25.34
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Render Time:
> Photon Time: No photons
> Radiosity Time: No radiosity
> Trace Time: 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds (0.125 seconds)
> using 12 thread(s) with 1.186 CPU-seconds total
> POV-Ray finished
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From: Jörg "Yadgar" Bleimann
Subject: Re: POV-Ray 3.7.0unofficial: Strange error
Date: 3 Mar 2020 01:22:33
Message: <5e5df7a9$1@news.povray.org>
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On 25.02.20 21:32, Le_Forgeron wrote:
> Le 24/02/2020 à 21:43, Jörg "Yadgar" Bleimann a écrit :
> I tried on Linux, hgpovray (so not the true povray), compiled with gcc 8.
> As well as 3.8.0-alpha.unofficial from 23 July 2019.
> No reported problem. But maybe you have some additional options ?
> (I just "povray ascii2png.pov", so it computes a png file.)
> Memory usage by top: below 7 GB.
As I started calculating the whole heightfield in one pass instead of
two, the error disappeared! Strange...
But nevertheless, thanks for you suggestion!
See you in Khyberspace!
Now playing: Run through the Light (Yes)
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