POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.general : ERROR: no matching } in object, object found instead Server Time
6 Feb 2025 17:54:25 EST (-0500)
  ERROR: no matching } in object, object found instead (Message 1 to 6 of 6)  
From: Sven Littkowski
Subject: ERROR: no matching } in object, object found instead
Date: 29 Jan 2018 05:25:10
Message: <5a6ef686$1@news.povray.org>
Why am I getting an error "no matching } in object, object found instead"?

#version 3.7;

#declare MyRadiosity = on;
#declare MyClouds = off;
#declare MyLight = on;
#declare MySuns = off;
#declare MyForest = off;
#declare MyPlanet = off;
#declare MyAir = off;
#declare MyTowers = off;
#declare MyBubble = on;
#declare MyBubbleTextures = off;

#declare MyNature = pigment { color rgb < 0.16863,  0.32941,  0.070588 > };

 assumed_gamma 1.4
   media on
//   pretrace_start 0.08
//   pretrace_end   0.001
   count 400
//   error_bound 0.75
//   recursion_limit 1
   normal on
 subsurface        {}
 adc_bailout       0.0039
 ambient_light     rgb < 0.000, 0.000, 0.000 >
 assumed_gamma     1.000
 irid_wavelength   rgb < 0.250, 0.180, 0.140 >
 max_trace_level   5
 number_of_waves   10
 noise_generator   3
 charset           ascii

 finish { ambient 0.0 diffuse 1.0 }

#include "colors.inc"
#include "textures.inc"
#include "glass.inc"
#include "metals.inc"
#include "golds.inc"
#include "functions.inc"
#include "shapes.inc"

 < -3000, 1000, -3000 >
 color rgb < 0.7019608,  0.9490196,  0.4509804 >


 location  < -3.0 , 0.0 , -5.0 >
 look_at   < 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 >

// Element ---------------------------------------------------------------

#declare Element = union
   0.425, 0.075
   rotate < 0.0, 0.0, 90.0 >
   scale < 4.5, 1.125, 1.125 >
   0.425, 0.075
   rotate < 0.0, 0.0, 90.0 >
   translate < -0.25, 0.0, 0.0 >
   0.425, 0.075
   rotate < 0.0, 0.0, 90.0 >
   translate < 0.25, 0.0, 0.0 >
     [ 0.0 color rgb 1 ]
     [ 1.0 color rgb < 0.075,  0.0751,  0.075 > ]
    rotate < 0.0, 0.0, 90.0 >
    scale 0.6000
    granite 0.15 scale 1.0
   finish { phong 0.1 }

  cylinder { < -0.323, 0.0, 0.0 > < -0.322, 0.0, 0.0 > 0.425 }
  cylinder { <  0.323, 0.0, 0.0 > <  0.322, 0.0, 0.0 > 0.425 }
     [ 0.0 color rgbt < 0.7764706,  0.8941176,  0.545098, 0.45 > ]
     [ 1.0 color rgbt < 0.075,  0.0755,  0.075, 0.45 > ]
    rotate < 0.0, 0.0, 90.0 >
    scale 0.52
    granite 0.15 scale 1.0
   finish { phong 0.1 }
  < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > 0.315
  scale < 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 >
     [ 0.0 color rgb < 0.5019608,  0.772549,  0.227451 > ]
     [ 1.0 color rgb < 0.5019608,  0.772549,  0.227451 > ]
    rotate < 0.0, 0.0, 90.0 >
    scale 0.52
    granite 0.75 scale 0.5
   finish { phong 0.1 }

// ---------------------------------------------------------

#macro MyOrbisiana(MyRandomizer)
 #declare MyRandomer = seed (MyRandomizer);
 #declare MyLength   = int(rand(MyRandomer)*200);   // Anzahl der Glieder
 #declare MyNegative = rand(MyRandomer);
  #declare Negative = -1;
  #declare Negative =  1;
 #declare MyX        = rand(MyRandomer)*04*Negative;
 #declare MyY        = rand(MyRandomer)*01*Negative;
 #declare MyZ        = rand(MyRandomer)*00*Negative;
 #declare MyPosition = 0.00;
 #declare MyElement  = 0;

 #while (MyElement<MyLength)
  object { Element translate < 0.0, 0.0, MyPosition > rotate < MyX, MyY,
MyZ > }
  #declare MyNegative = rand(MyRandomer);
   #declare Negative = -1;
   #declare Negative =  1;
  #declare MyX        = MyX+rand(MyRandomer)*04*Negative;
  #declare MyY        = MyY+rand(MyRandomer)*01*Negative;
  #declare MyZ        = MyZ+rand(MyRandomer)*00*Negative;
  #declare MyPosition = MyPosition+0.925;
  #declare MyElement  = MyElement+1;

// Water -----------------------------------------------------------------

background { color rgb < 0.1843137,  0.4666667,  0.5490196 > * 0.5 }

#declare ThisRandom   = seed (27053);
#declare ThisNegative = rand(ThisRandom);
 #declare ANegative   = -1;
 #declare ANegative   =  1;
#declare ThisX        = rand(ThisRandom)*02*ANegative;
#declare ThisY        = rand(ThisRandom)*05*ANegative;
#declare ThisZ        = rand(ThisRandom)*02*ANegative;
#declare ThisPX       = rand(ThisRandom)*50*ANegative;
#declare ThisPY       = rand(ThisRandom)*50*ANegative;
#declare ThisPZ       = rand(ThisRandom)*50*ANegative;
#declare ThisLife     = int(rand(ThisRandom)*50);   // Anzahl der
#declare ALife        = 0;

#while (ALife<ThisLife)
 #declare MyRandom     = int(rand(ThisRandom)*1000);
 object { MyOrbisiana(MyRandom) rotate < MyX, MyY, MyZ > translate <
ThisPX, ThisPY, ThisPZ > }
 #declare ThisX        = ThisX+(rand(ThisRandom)*02*ANegative);
 #declare ThisY        = ThisY+(rand(ThisRandom)*05*ANegative);
 #declare ThisZ        = ThisZ+(rand(ThisRandom)*02*ANegative);
 #declare ThisPX       = ThisPX+(rand(ThisRandom)*50*ANegative);
 #declare ThisPY       = ThisPY+(rand(ThisRandom)*50*ANegative);
 #declare ThisPZ       = ThisPZ+(rand(ThisRandom)*50*ANegative);
 #declare ALife        = ALife+1;

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From: Stephen
Subject: Re: ERROR: no matching } in object, object found instead
Date: 29 Jan 2018 05:51:09
Message: <5a6efc9d$1@news.povray.org>
On 29/01/2018 10:25, Sven Littkowski wrote:
> Why am I getting an error "no matching } in object, object found instead"?

Commenting out the line below allows the script to run.
So you can take it from there. I'm not very good with macros. It looks 
complicated to me.

// object { MyOrbisiana(MyRandom) rotate < MyX, MyY, MyZ > translate < 
hisPX, ThisPY, ThisPZ > }



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From: clipka
Subject: Re: ERROR: no matching } in object, object found instead
Date: 29 Jan 2018 11:11:40
Message: <5a6f47bc$1@news.povray.org>
Am 29.01.2018 um 11:51 schrieb Stephen:
> On 29/01/2018 10:25, Sven Littkowski wrote:
>> Why am I getting an error "no matching } in object, object found
>> instead"?
> Commenting out the line below allows the script to run.
> So you can take it from there. I'm not very good with macros. It looks
> complicated to me.
> // object { MyOrbisiana(MyRandom) rotate < MyX, MyY, MyZ > translate <
> hisPX, ThisPY, ThisPZ > }

MyOrbisiana(R) essentially "unrolls"

    object { ... }
    object { ... }

etc., so the above line "unrolls" to

    object {
      object { ... }
      object { ... }

You can't have multiple `object` statements in an `object` block. You
probably want a `union` somewhere.

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From: Sven Littkowski
Subject: Re: ERROR: no matching } in object, object found instead
Date: 31 Jan 2018 17:44:04
Message: <5a7246b4$1@news.povray.org>
On 29.01.2018 11:11, clipka wrote:
> Am 29.01.2018 um 11:51 schrieb Stephen:
>> On 29/01/2018 10:25, Sven Littkowski wrote:
>>> Why am I getting an error "no matching } in object, object found
>>> instead"?
>> Commenting out the line below allows the script to run.
>> So you can take it from there. I'm not very good with macros. It looks
>> complicated to me.
>> // object { MyOrbisiana(MyRandom) rotate < MyX, MyY, MyZ > translate <
>> hisPX, ThisPY, ThisPZ > }
> MyOrbisiana(R) essentially "unrolls"
>     object { ... }
>     object { ... }
>     ...
> etc., so the above line "unrolls" to
>     object {
>       object { ... }
>       object { ... }
>       ...
>     }
> You can't have multiple `object` statements in an `object` block. You
> probably want a `union` somewhere.
Yes, Clipka, you are right, once more. I see what you mean. Great
advise, very helpful, and i really thank you for this advise, highly

I made a change to the scene, and put the macro object inside a union,
with the result that the scene now functions but nothing than the
background appears on the screen. :-D

Here's the updated scene code on which I am breaking and smashing my brain:


#version 3.7;

#declare MyRadiosity = on;
#declare MyClouds = off;
#declare MyLight = on;
#declare MySuns = off;
#declare MyForest = off;
#declare MyPlanet = off;
#declare MyAir = off;
#declare MyTowers = off;
#declare MyBubble = on;
#declare MyBubbleTextures = off;

#declare MyNature = pigment { color rgb < 0.16863,  0.32941,  0.070588 > 

 assumed_gamma 1.4
   media on
//   pretrace_start 0.08
//   pretrace_end   0.001
   count 400
//   error_bound 0.75
//   recursion_limit 1
   normal on
 subsurface        {}
 adc_bailout       0.0039
 ambient_light     rgb < 0.000, 0.000, 0.000 >
 assumed_gamma     1.000
 irid_wavelength   rgb < 0.250, 0.180, 0.140 >
 max_trace_level   5
 number_of_waves   10
 noise_generator   3
 charset           ascii

 finish { ambient 0.0 diffuse 1.0 }

#include "colors.inc"
#include "textures.inc"
#include "glass.inc"
#include "metals.inc"
#include "golds.inc"
#include "functions.inc"
#include "shapes.inc"

 < -3000, 1000, -3000 >
 color rgb < 0.7019608,  0.9490196,  0.4509804 >


 location  < -3.0 , 0.0 , -5.0 >
 look_at   < 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 >

// Element ---------------------------------------------------------------

#declare Element = union
   0.425, 0.075
   rotate < 0.0, 0.0, 90.0 >
   scale < 4.5, 1.125, 1.125 >
   0.425, 0.075
   rotate < 0.0, 0.0, 90.0 >
   translate < -0.25, 0.0, 0.0 >
   0.425, 0.075
   rotate < 0.0, 0.0, 90.0 >
   translate < 0.25, 0.0, 0.0 >
     [ 0.0 color rgb 1 ]
     [ 1.0 color rgb < 0.075,  0.0751,  0.075 > ]
    rotate < 0.0, 0.0, 90.0 >
    scale 0.6000
    granite 0.15 scale 1.0
   finish { phong 0.1 }

  cylinder { < -0.323, 0.0, 0.0 > < -0.322, 0.0, 0.0 > 0.425 }
  cylinder { <  0.323, 0.0, 0.0 > <  0.322, 0.0, 0.0 > 0.425 }
     [ 0.0 color rgbt < 0.7764706,  0.8941176,  0.545098, 0.45 > ]
     [ 1.0 color rgbt < 0.075,  0.0755,  0.075, 0.45 > ]
    rotate < 0.0, 0.0, 90.0 >
    scale 0.52
    granite 0.15 scale 1.0
   finish { phong 0.1 }
  < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > 0.315
  scale < 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 >
     [ 0.0 color rgb < 0.5019608,  0.772549,  0.227451 > ]
     [ 1.0 color rgb < 0.5019608,  0.772549,  0.227451 > ]
    rotate < 0.0, 0.0, 90.0 >
    scale 0.52
    granite 0.75 scale 0.5
   finish { phong 0.1 }

// ---------------------------------------------------------

#macro MyOrbisiana(MyRandomizer)
 #declare MyRandomer = seed (MyRandomizer);
 #declare MyLength   = int(rand(MyRandomer)*200);   // Anzahl der Glieder

 #declare MyNegative = rand(MyRandomer);
  #declare Negative = -1;
  #declare Negative =  1;
 #declare MyX        = rand(MyRandomer)*04*Negative;
 #declare MyY        = rand(MyRandomer)*01*Negative;
 #declare MyZ        = rand(MyRandomer)*00*Negative;
 #declare MyPosition = 0.00;
 #declare MyElement  = 0;

  #while (MyElement<MyLength)
   object { Element translate < 0.0, 0.0, MyPosition > rotate < MyX,
MyY, MyZ > }
   #declare MyNegative = rand(MyRandomer);
    #declare Negative = -1;
    #declare Negative =  1;
   #declare MyX        = MyX+rand(MyRandomer)*04*Negative;
   #declare MyY        = MyY+rand(MyRandomer)*01*Negative;
   #declare MyZ        = MyZ+rand(MyRandomer)*00*Negative;
   #declare MyPosition = MyPosition+0.925;
   #declare MyElement  = MyElement+1;

// Water -----------------------------------------------------------------

background { color rgb < 0.1843137,  0.4666667,  0.5490196 > * 0.5 }

#declare ThisRandom   = seed (27053);
#declare ThisNegative = rand(ThisRandom);
 #declare ANegative   = -1;
 #declare ANegative   =  1;
#declare ThisX        = rand(ThisRandom)*02*ANegative;
#declare ThisY        = rand(ThisRandom)*05*ANegative;
#declare ThisZ        = rand(ThisRandom)*02*ANegative;
#declare ThisPX       = rand(ThisRandom)*50*ANegative;
#declare ThisPY       = rand(ThisRandom)*50*ANegative;
#declare ThisPZ       = rand(ThisRandom)*50*ANegative;
#declare ThisLife     = int(rand(ThisRandom)*50);   // Anzahl der
#declare ALife        = 0;

#while (ALife<ThisLife)
 #declare MyRandom     = int(rand(ThisRandom)*1000);
 object { MyOrbisiana(MyRandom) rotate < MyX, MyY, MyZ > translate <
ThisPX, ThisPY, ThisPZ > }
 #declare ThisX        = ThisX+(rand(ThisRandom)*02*ANegative);
 #declare ThisY        = ThisY+(rand(ThisRandom)*05*ANegative);
 #declare ThisZ        = ThisZ+(rand(ThisRandom)*02*ANegative);
 #declare ThisPX       = ThisPX+(rand(ThisRandom)*50*ANegative);
 #declare ThisPY       = ThisPY+(rand(ThisRandom)*50*ANegative);
 #declare ThisPZ       = ThisPZ+(rand(ThisRandom)*50*ANegative);
 #declare ALife        = ALife+1;

Diese E-Mail wurde von AVG auf Viren geprüft.

Post a reply to this message

From: Sven Littkowski
Subject: Re: ERROR: no matching } in object, object found instead
Date: 31 Jan 2018 17:51:45
Message: <5a724881$1@news.povray.org>
Yes, Clipka, you are right, once more. I see what you mean. Great
advise, very helpful, and i really thank you for this advise, highly

I made a change to the scene, and put the macro object inside a union,
with the result that the scene now functions. However, I am not getting
wavy lines. This is a problem of the rotate and translate values, I
guess. my aim is to get many differently curved, wavy lines in the
image, of different lengths. At the moment, the individual parts of each
chain don't even touch each other.#version 3.7;

#declare MyRadiosity = on;
#declare MyClouds = off;
#declare MyLight = on;
#declare MySuns = off;
#declare MyForest = off;
#declare MyPlanet = off;
#declare MyAir = off;
#declare MyTowers = off;
#declare MyBubble = on;
#declare MyBubbleTextures = off;

#declare MyNature = pigment { color rgb < 0.16863,  0.32941,  0.070588 > 

 assumed_gamma 1.4
   media on
//   pretrace_start 0.08
//   pretrace_end   0.001
   count 400
//   error_bound 0.75
//   recursion_limit 1
   normal on
 subsurface        {}
 adc_bailout       0.0039
 ambient_light     rgb < 0.000, 0.000, 0.000 >
 assumed_gamma     1.000
 irid_wavelength   rgb < 0.250, 0.180, 0.140 >
 max_trace_level   5
 number_of_waves   10
 noise_generator   3
 charset           ascii

 finish { ambient 0.0 diffuse 1.0 }

#include "colors.inc"
#include "textures.inc"
#include "glass.inc"
#include "metals.inc"
#include "golds.inc"
#include "functions.inc"
#include "shapes.inc"

 < -3000, 1000, -3000 >
 color rgb < 0.7019608,  0.9490196,  0.4509804 >


 location  < -3.0 , 0.0 , -5.0 >
 look_at   < 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 >

// Element ---------------------------------------------------------------

#declare Element = union
   0.425, 0.075
   rotate < 0.0, 0.0, 90.0 >
   scale < 4.5, 1.125, 1.125 >
   0.425, 0.075
   rotate < 0.0, 0.0, 90.0 >
   translate < -0.25, 0.0, 0.0 >
   0.425, 0.075
   rotate < 0.0, 0.0, 90.0 >
   translate < 0.25, 0.0, 0.0 >
     [ 0.0 color rgb 1 ]
     [ 1.0 color rgb < 0.075,  0.0751,  0.075 > ]
    rotate < 0.0, 0.0, 90.0 >
    scale 0.6000
    granite 0.15 scale 1.0
   finish { phong 0.1 }

  cylinder { < -0.323, 0.0, 0.0 > < -0.322, 0.0, 0.0 > 0.425 }
  cylinder { <  0.323, 0.0, 0.0 > <  0.322, 0.0, 0.0 > 0.425 }
     [ 0.0 color rgbt < 0.7764706,  0.8941176,  0.545098, 0.45 > ]
     [ 1.0 color rgbt < 0.075,  0.0755,  0.075, 0.45 > ]
    rotate < 0.0, 0.0, 90.0 >
    scale 0.52
    granite 0.15 scale 1.0
   finish { phong 0.1 }
  < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > 0.315
  scale < 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 >
     [ 0.0 color rgb < 0.5019608,  0.772549,  0.227451 > ]
     [ 1.0 color rgb < 0.5019608,  0.772549,  0.227451 > ]
    rotate < 0.0, 0.0, 90.0 >
    scale 0.52
    granite 0.75 scale 0.5
   finish { phong 0.1 }

// ---------------------------------------------------------

#macro MyOrbisiana(MyRandomizer)
 #declare MyRandomer = seed (MyRandomizer);
 #declare MyLength   = int(rand(MyRandomer)*200);   // Anzahl der Glieder

 #declare MyNegative = rand(MyRandomer);
  #declare Negative = -1;
  #declare Negative =  1;
 #declare MyX        = rand(MyRandomer)*04*Negative;
 #declare MyY        = rand(MyRandomer)*01*Negative;
 #declare MyZ        = rand(MyRandomer)*00*Negative;
 #declare MyPosition = 0.00;
 #declare MyElement  = 0;

  #while (MyElement<MyLength)
   object { Element translate < 0.0, 0.0, MyPosition > rotate < MyX,
MyY, MyZ > }
   #declare MyNegative = rand(MyRandomer);
    #declare Negative = -1;
    #declare Negative =  1;
   #declare MyX        = MyX+rand(MyRandomer)*04*Negative;
   #declare MyY        = MyY+rand(MyRandomer)*01*Negative;
   #declare MyZ        = MyZ+rand(MyRandomer)*00*Negative;
   #declare MyPosition = MyPosition+0.925;
   #declare MyElement  = MyElement+1;

// Water -----------------------------------------------------------------

background { color rgb < 0.1843137,  0.4666667,  0.5490196 > * 0.5 }

#declare ThisRandom   = seed (29053);
#declare ThisNegative = rand(ThisRandom);
 #declare ANegative   = -1;
 #declare ANegative   =  1;
#declare ThisX        = rand(ThisRandom)*02*ANegative;
#declare ThisY        = rand(ThisRandom)*05*ANegative;
#declare ThisZ        = rand(ThisRandom)*02*ANegative;
#declare ThisPX       = rand(ThisRandom)*5*ANegative;
#declare ThisPY       = rand(ThisRandom)*5*ANegative;
#declare ThisPZ       = rand(ThisRandom)*5*ANegative;
#declare ThisLife     = int(rand(ThisRandom)*50);   // Anzahl der
#declare ALife        = 0;

#while (ALife<ThisLife)
 #declare MyRandom     = int(rand(ThisRandom)*1000);
 object { MyOrbisiana(MyRandom) rotate < MyX, MyY, MyZ > translate <
ThisPX, ThisPY, ThisPZ > }
 #declare ThisX        = ThisX+(rand(ThisRandom)*02*ANegative);
 #declare ThisY        = ThisY+(rand(ThisRandom)*05*ANegative);
 #declare ThisZ        = ThisZ+(rand(ThisRandom)*02*ANegative);
 #declare ThisPX       = ThisPX+(rand(ThisRandom)*3*ANegative);
 #declare ThisPY       = ThisPY+(rand(ThisRandom)*3*ANegative);
 #declare ThisPZ       = ThisPZ+(rand(ThisRandom)*3*ANegative);
 #declare ALife        = ALife+1;

Here's the updated scene code on which I am breaking and smashing my brain:


Diese E-Mail wurde von AVG auf Viren geprüft.

Post a reply to this message

From: Sven Littkowski
Subject: Re: ERROR: no matching } in object, object found instead
Date: 31 Jan 2018 18:07:38
Message: <5a724c3a$1@news.povray.org>
Yes, Clipka, you are right, once more. I see what you mean. Great
advise, very helpful, and i really thank you for this advise, highly

I made a change to the scene, and put the macro object inside a union,
with the result that the scene now functions. However, I am not getting
wavy lines. This is a problem of the rotate and translate values, I
guess. my aim is to get many differently curved, wavy lines in the
image, of different lengths. At the moment, the individual parts of each
chain don't even touch each other. But that is another kind of problem,
I will open a new thread for that.

Diese E-Mail wurde von AVG auf Viren geprüft.

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