I've been playing around with 'poly' and I devised a macro that lets you
use an equation string. So you can use something like "X^2+3Y^2-45"
then the macro makes the 'poly'(fill the 'order' and 'elements')
I put it in povary.binaries.scene-files as POLY Fun.
Have Fun!!
Leroy Whetstone <lrw### [at] joplincom> wrote:
> I've been playing around with 'poly' and I devised a macro that lets you> use an equation string. So you can use something like "X^2+3Y^2-45"> then the macro makes the 'poly'(fill the 'order' and 'elements')>> I put it in povary.binaries.scene-files as POLY Fun.>> Have Fun!!
A new toy for mathematicians!
Leroy Whetstone <lrw### [at] joplincom> wrote:
> I've been playing around with 'poly' and I devised a macro that lets you > use an equation string. So you can use something like "X^2+3Y^2-45"> then the macro makes the 'poly'(fill the 'order' and 'elements')
Now you'll have to enhance it so that it will convert any equation
to polynomial form (if it's conversible)... ;)
- Warp
Warp wrote:
> Now you'll have to enhance it so that it will convert any equation> to polynomial form (if it's conversible)... ;)>
Yea! I know. I've already play with that to a lesser degree in Qbasic.