"Nekar Xenos" <nek### [at] gmail com> wrote in message
>I was thinking of a way to get really usefull objects into the object
>collection. If you have a database of the objects, it should be possible to
>have a "most requested object" fron the search entries. This most requested
>object could then be displayed so that anyone interested could make the
>object and upload it. The "most requested object" for the month that hasn't
>been done could then be used for an "Pov-Ray Object Compettion" of which
>the winners entry get uploaded to the Object Library.
> --
> -Nekar Xenos-
That's a good idea. There is a database, but it doesn't currently record
which search terms people have used. It should be a pretty small change
I've just been asking for such ideas over on the povray.object-collection
newsgroup so I'll add this to the list.
Chris B.
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