I've just discovered the use of isosurfaces for use as terrain!
Previously I have used height fields, and have written a few little
programs to do object placement/generate texture bitmaps based on the
gradient/height - ie. rocky texture for steeps slopes, grass for flatter
areas, and snow depending on altitude etc.
I'm using the f_hetero_mf function for my terrain, and was wondering, is
there any way of achieveing something similar to my texturing program?
Since discovering Isosurfaces (and trace for object placement), I'd like
to do the whole lot with povray. Is there some way of calculating the
gradient/height and having povray 'decide' which texture to use? Perhaps
a sneaky combination of texture_maps and the f_hetero_mf function?
Many thanks for reading this far!!
to reply by email: jdm### [at] lRyEcMoOs VcEo MuEk
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> I'm using the f_hetero_mf function for my terrain, and was wondering, is
> there any way of achieveing something similar to my texturing program?
> Since discovering Isosurfaces (and trace for object placement), I'd like
> to do the whole lot with povray. Is there some way of calculating the
> gradient/height and having povray 'decide' which texture to use? Perhaps
> a sneaky combination of texture_maps and the f_hetero_mf function?
You might want to look into the slope-pattern and use it along with a
gradient y pattern...
aka "Tim Nikias v2.0"
Homepage: <http://www.nolights.de>
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Tim Nikias wrote:
> You might want to look into the slope-pattern and use it along with a
> gradient y pattern...
> Regards,
> Tim
That's it! I knew there must be a way - I just didn't realize it would
be so tailored to my needs!
BTW. Some lovely images on your site - I particularly like the 'Miss you
(while you're gone)' image with the cat in the snow - fantastic! I'm a
sucker for a nice raytraced landscape.
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