Hi all,
pov2mesh is a utility I initially wrote to help me autogenerate cities &
urban landscapes for a game I'm working on. I have one program generate
.pov files from a rough description of the city and then pov2mesh converts
that into a Maya .obj file (which seems to be readable by pretty much any 3d
modeler out there.)
So far, it's been really useful to me.
If you're interested, take a look. Let me know what you think if you're so
Paul Senzee
from the site:
pov2mesh is a command line utility for Windows that accepts a POV-Ray .pov
file as input and produces a Maya .obj file as output. While pov2mesh does
not yet understand the full range of .pov syntax, it is nevertheless a
valuable tool in its own right.
At present, pov2mesh accepts a subset of the POV-Ray scene description
language, executes the CSG operations specified in the .pov file and
tessellates the resulting shapes to produce an .obj polygon mesh file. As
new versions are released, pov2mesh's support for the POV-Ray language will
increase accordingly.
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Paul Senzee schrieb:
> http://www.geocities.com/psenzee/pov2mesh/
> If you're interested, take a look. Let me know what you think if you're so
> inclined.
Very interesting. I was searching a long time for a program like this to
translate my Eagle3D macros into a mesh based file format. Nevertheless
it is not useful to me as my macros make heavy use of arithmetic
expresions, loops and macros. If you add that and maybe a simple
material export (only the color) I will purchase your program for sure.
mat### [at] matwei de
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Thanks for your comments! I am currently rewriting the parser to support
macros and expressions and hope to have that done soon. It'll be a lot more
useful to me, as well, once those features are supported
Paul Senzee
> Paul Senzee schrieb:
> > http://www.geocities.com/psenzee/pov2mesh/
> >
> > If you're interested, take a look. Let me know what you think if you're
> > inclined.
> Very interesting. I was searching a long time for a program like this to
> translate my Eagle3D macros into a mesh based file format. Nevertheless
> it is not useful to me as my macros make heavy use of arithmetic
> expresions, loops and macros. If you add that and maybe a simple
> material export (only the color) I will purchase your program for sure.
> --
> mat### [at] matwei de
> http://www.matwei.de
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