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Can anybody suggest a method by which a partially unrolled scroll might
be created Parametrically? I've been trying to create a CSG scroll, but
I'm about at my wits' end with the Trig functions.
If anybody can help with this, it would be greatly appreciated.
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Wasn't it Anthony D. Baye who wrote:
>Can anybody suggest a method by which a partially unrolled scroll might
>be created Parametrically? I've been trying to create a CSG scroll, but
>I'm about at my wits' end with the Trig functions.
>If anybody can help with this, it would be greatly appreciated.
I managed to come up with this. I've used Ingo Janssen's Param.inc rather than
real parametrics, for speed.
Get param.inc from http://members.home.nl/seedseven/
I had hoped to be able to use natural or cubic splines, and thus get a smooth
curve in the middle section, but they always seem to end up with ugly kinks
where the paper starts to curl.
global_settings {assumed_gamma 1.0}
#declare R1=0.2; //inner radius right end
#declare R2=1; //outer radius right end
#declare R3=0.1; //inner radius left end
#declare R4=1.5; //outer radius left end
#declare DX=3; //length of straight bit
#declare F1 = 17; //frequency of right end only a few magic values work
#declare F2 = 43; //frequency of left end only a few magic values work
camera { location <-5, 3, -10> look_at <-DX/2,0,0> angle 28}
light_source {<-100,200,-500> colour rgb 1}
#declare S = function {
spline {
// right end
#declare T=0;
#while (T<0.5)
#declare X=cos(T*F1)*((R1*(0.5-T))+(R2*T));
#declare Y=sin(T*F1)*((R1*(0.5-T))+(R2*T));
T, <X,Y>,
#declare T=T+0.002;
// left end
#while (T<1)
#declare X=sin(T*F2)*((R4*(1-T))+(R3*(T-0.5))) - DX;
#declare Y=cos(T*F2)*((R4*(1-T))+(R3*(T-0.5)));
T, <X,Y>,
#declare T=T+0.002;
#declare Fx = function(u,v) {S(u).x}
#declare Fy = function(u,v) {S(u).y}
#declare Fz = function(u,v) {v}
#include "param.inc"
object {Parametric(Fx,Fy,Fz,<0,-2>,<1,2>,400,2,"")
pigment {rgb 1}
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"Anthony D. Baye" <Sha### [at] hotmail com> wrote in message
> Can anybody suggest a method by which a partially unrolled scroll might
> be created Parametrically? I've been trying to create a CSG scroll, but
> I'm about at my wits' end with the Trig functions.
> If anybody can help with this, it would be greatly appreciated.
> Regards,
> A.D.B
Here's an alternative one:
It uses a different mesh generator (array2mesh2.inc attached) and is less
parameterised than Mike's. It also rolls the bottom up in the opposite
camera {location <-0.2,0.3,-0.5> look_at 0.1}
light_source { <-10,4,-4> color rgb 1}
light_source { <-10,-7,-40> color rgb 1}
#include "math.inc"
#include "array2mesh2.inc"
#local ScrollArray = array [1000][2];
#local I = 0;
#local ArrayIndex = 0;
#local R = 0.015;
#while (I<900)
#local X = R*cosd(I);
#local Y = R*sind(I);
#local Z = 0;
#local ScrollArray[ArrayIndex][0] = <X+0.15,Y+0.3,Z-0.15>;
#local ScrollArray[ArrayIndex][1] = <X+0.15,Y+0.3,Z+0.15>;
#local R = R*1.01; // Add 1 percent to the radius each time
#local I = I + 10;
#local ArrayIndex = ArrayIndex + 1;
#local ScrollArray[ArrayIndex][0] = <X+0.135,Y+0.25,Z-0.15>;
#local ScrollArray[ArrayIndex][1] = <X+0.135,Y+0.25,Z+0.15>;
#local ArrayIndex = ArrayIndex + 1;
#local ScrollArray[ArrayIndex][0] = <X+0.115,Y+0.2,Z-0.15>;
#local ScrollArray[ArrayIndex][1] = <X+0.115,Y+0.2,Z+0.15>;
#local ArrayIndex = ArrayIndex + 1;
#local ScrollArray[ArrayIndex][0] = <X+0.065,Y+0.1,Z-0.15>;
#local ScrollArray[ArrayIndex][1] = <X+0.065,Y+0.1,Z+0.15>;
#local ArrayIndex = ArrayIndex + 1;
#local ScrollArray[ArrayIndex][0] = <X+0.035,Y+0.05,Z-0.15>;
#local ScrollArray[ArrayIndex][1] = <X+0.035,Y+0.05,Z+0.15>;
#local ArrayIndex = ArrayIndex + 1;
#local I = I-40;
#while (I<1800)
#local X = R*cosd(I);
#local Y = R*sind(I);
#local Z = 0;
#local ScrollArray[ArrayIndex][0] = <X,Y,Z-0.15>;
#local ScrollArray[ArrayIndex][1] = <X,Y,Z+0.15>;
#local R = R*0.99; // Add 1 percent to the radius each time
#local I = I + 10;
#local ArrayIndex = ArrayIndex + 1;
#local DummyArray = array [ArrayIndex][2];
#local ppVerbose = 0;
object {ppMesh2FromArray(ScrollArray, DummyArray, ArrayIndex, 2, 0) pigment
{color rgb <1,1,0.9>} }
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Download 'array2mesh2.inc.txt' (7 KB)
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Wasn't it Mike Williams who wrote:
>#declare F1 = 17; //frequency of right end only a few magic values work
>#declare F2 = 43; //frequency of left end only a few magic values work
The magic values for F1 are about (4n+1.3)*pi and for F2 are about
(4n+1.7)*pi where n is an integer.
To get a scroll that curls in the same direction at each end, change
#declare Y=sin(T*F1)*((R1*(0.5-T))+(R2*T));
#declare Y=-sin(T*F1)*((R1*(0.5-T))+(R2*T));
and then the magic values become (4n+1)*pi and (4n+2)*pi.
Mike Williams
Gentleman of Leisure
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Anthony D. Baye wrote:
> Can anybody suggest a method by which a partially unrolled scroll might
> be created Parametrically? I've been trying to create a CSG scroll, but
> I'm about at my wits' end with the Trig functions.
Use the math to create a mesh.
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