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I'm trying to create a suitable landscape for a project I'm working on,
but I'm not having any success. I don't have any software but POV-Ray
and a really old version of Photoshop (3.0)
Oddly, I can't find tutorials on designing landscapes outside of
programs like Leveller (Which I can't use.), terragen (which I have, but
haven't figured out.) or the various and sundry packages I can't afford.
I would apreciate it if someone could give me a leg up on landscapes
and placing objects in them.
BTW If anyone knows of a good tutorial that explains the trace
function... I don't know the first thing about it.
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> BTW If anyone knows of a good tutorial that explains the trace
> function... I don't know the first thing about it.
There's one in the Wiki, complete with sample scenes and ready-to-use
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"Anthony D. Baye" <Sha### [at] hotmail com> wrote:
> I'm trying to create a suitable landscape for a project I'm working on,
> but I'm not having any success. I don't have any software but POV-Ray
> and a really old version of Photoshop (3.0)
Hi Tony,
if you want to make heightfields to use them for landscapes then take a look
Hope it helps.
Greetings, em-sigma
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> if you want to make heightfields to use them for landscapes then take a
> at
> http://www.world-machine.com/index2.html
also try Terragen (its free)
light_source{0,1}#macro C(r,p)cylinder{x*-2,x*2,.9 pigment { rgb
p} /* B Gimeno estoeslarealidad */ rotate p*90 } #end difference
{box {-1,1} C(z /* http://usuarios.lycos.es/game2413 */,x)C(x,y)
C(z,z) pigment{rgb 2} rotate 45 translate z*4} // www.povray.org
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B. Gimeno wrote:
>>if you want to make heightfields to use them for landscapes then take a
> look
> also try Terragen (its free)
> http://www.planetside.co.uk/terragen/
there's also planetGenesis
also free, and open source too.
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