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After speaking to Aaron Collins today (Aaron helped me write DKBTrace
which was later used as the basis of POVRay), I wrote a blog article on
POVRay, its history, and its present state.
To everyone in the POVRay community, I commend you. POVRay is a
phenominal program and the quality of the images the POV artists make
with it is amazing.
In the early days of DKBTrace, I toyed with the idea of making it a
commercial product. Making it freeware, however, has allowed it to
catch on and grow in ways I'd never imagined. I couldn't begin to count
the number of people it has influenced and inspired. I can only claim a
small part of the credit since I haven't been involved with the project
since about 1993. The POVRay team and the community have made POVRay
what it is today. It's still, however, a major source of pride for me.
Congratulations, everyone.
David (Kirk) Buck
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David Buck <dav### [at] simberon com> wrote:
> After speaking to Aaron Collins today (Aaron helped me write DKBTrace
> which was later used as the basis of POVRay), I wrote a blog article on
> POVRay, its history, and its present state.
> To everyone in the POVRay community, I commend you. POVRay is a
> phenominal program and the quality of the images the POV artists make
> with it is amazing.
> In the early days of DKBTrace, I toyed with the idea of making it a
> commercial product. Making it freeware, however, has allowed it to
> catch on and grow in ways I'd never imagined. I couldn't begin to count
> the number of people it has influenced and inspired. I can only claim a
> small part of the credit since I haven't been involved with the project
> since about 1993. The POVRay team and the community have made POVRay
> what it is today. It's still, however, a major source of pride for me.
> Congratulations, everyone.
> David (Kirk) Buck
Thank you very much for starting it all David !
Tor Olav
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Tor Olav Kristensen wrote:
> Thank you very much for starting it all David !
I did it for the fun of it. There's not enough of that in computing
these days.
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David Buck <dav### [at] simberon com> wrote:
The POVRay team and the community have made POVRay
> what it is today. It's still, however, a major source of pride for me.
> Congratulations, everyone.
> David (Kirk) Buck
POV-Ray is one of the best "finds" I have ever made on the 'net! MANY
MANY thanks to you (and all the POV-Team) for keeping it open -source and
free. It is a CONSTANT source of fun and amazement.
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David Buck <dav### [at] simberon com> wrote:
By the way, be careful with referrers. Nowadays spammers are practising
referrer-spamming. IOW spammer robots will eventually visit your page
and use spam sites as referrer, which will mean that your page will be
directly advertising spam sites if/when this happens. Watch out for this.
- Warp
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Dear David San
I have been learning C language from DKBTrace and POV-Ray for 12 years.
DKBTrace and POV-Ray are my Bible.
Thank you very much much again.
Best regards from Japan.
David Buck wrote:
> In the early days of DKBTrace, I toyed with the idea of making it a
> commercial product. Making it freeware, however, has allowed it to
> catch on and grow in ways I'd never imagined. I couldn't begin to count
> the number of people it has influenced and inspired. I can only claim a
> small part of the credit since I haven't been involved with the project
> since about 1993. The POVRay team and the community have made POVRay
> what it is today. It's still, however, a major source of pride for me.
> Congratulations, everyone.
> David (Kirk) Buck
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Y.Tanabe <tec### [at] kh rim or jp> wrote:
> I have been learning C language from DKBTrace and POV-Ray for 12 years.
I could write a sermon about why that is not the best possible idea, but
let's just skip that this time... :P
- Warp
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David Buck wrote:
> To everyone in the POVRay community, I commend you. POVRay is a
> phenominal program and the quality of the images the POV artists make
> with it is amazing.
Let me be another in a long line of people who dropped in to say
"Thanks!" Without you, there wouldn't have been this exceptional program.
Though, I joined the party a bit later than DKBTrace, I've been using
POVRay since it was known as PVRay :)
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David Buck wrote:
> After speaking to Aaron Collins today (Aaron helped me write DKBTrace
> which was later used as the basis of POVRay), I wrote a blog article on
> POVRay, its history, and its present state.
Nice to see you stray by. As you said a bit of the spirit of the good
old times(tm) often would be good.
Interesting reading and thanks for the flowers. ;-)
I had a look at the DKBTrace source from the link you gave and it's
amazing how much from this is still in POV-Ray today. The sad side is
the amount of bloat added: your lighting.c is 835 lines, today
lighting.cpp is 6287 lines.
BTW what is Aaron Collins doing these days?
POV-Ray tutorials, include files, Landscape of the week:
http://www.imagico.de/ (Last updated 07 Oct. 2005)
MegaPOV with mechanics simulation: http://megapov.inetart.net/
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David Buck <dav### [at] simberon com> wrote:
> After speaking to Aaron Collins today (Aaron helped me write DKBTrace
> which was later used as the basis of POVRay), I wrote a blog article on
> POVRay, its history, and its present state.
Many thanks to you David !
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