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So i've written a little patch for our beloved POV-Ray. The patch adds an
opengl window. This is something i've always wanted pov to do. Right now the
patch is incomplete but with most features functioning. I'm releasing it now
to solicit comments, critisisms, flames or whatever. I need to complete this
project soon (so I can pov more). Here's the link to the website:
http://oglp-pov.tripod.com/glppov/. On it you'll find a zip file containing
an executable. A POV-Ray 3.6 installation is required to run the file.
Good Day,
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David Curtis wrote:
> Here's the link to the website:
> http://oglp-pov.tripod.com/glppov/. On it you'll find a zip file containing
> an executable. A POV-Ray 3.6 installation is required to run the file.
A Windows executable and a scene file - that's not really what's needed
for actually evaluating the usefulness of the patch. Also note the
POV-Ray license requires you to make available the source code of any
modification of POV-Ray you publish.
POV-Ray tutorials, include files, Landscape of the week:
http://www.tu-bs.de/~y0013390/ (Last updated 24 Jul. 2005)
MegaPOV with mechanics simulation: http://megapov.inetart.net/
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"Christoph Hormann" <chr### [at] gmx de> wrote in message
> A Windows executable and a scene file - that's not really what's needed
> for actually evaluating the usefulness of the patch. Also note the
> POV-Ray license requires you to make available the source code of any
> modification of POV-Ray you publish.
Remedied. Please see readme in source zip.
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David Curtis wrote:
> Remedied. Please see readme in source zip.
My comments based on that:
- it seems a Windows specific patch
- the purpose of the patch seems unclear to me - could you explain what
it is supposed to be good for? A practical usage example might help.
POV-Ray tutorials, include files, Landscape of the week:
http://www.tu-bs.de/~y0013390/ (Last updated 24 Jul. 2005)
MegaPOV with mechanics simulation: http://megapov.inetart.net/
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Christoph Hormann <chr### [at] gmx de> wrote:
> - it seems a Windows specific patch
This is especially ironic given that OpenGL is a platform-independent
- Warp
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Warp <war### [at] tag povray org> wrote:
> Christoph Hormann <chr### [at] gmx de> wrote:
> > - it seems a Windows specific patch
> This is especially ironic given that OpenGL is a platform-independent
> specification.
> --
> - Warp
There isn't any binary file on your page. Where is it?
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"Hasan3" <PRO### [at] Yahoo com> wrote in message
> There isn't any binary file on your page. Where is it?
Sorry, first timer here with designing web pages. Should be fixed now.
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I gave this patch a go and one feature that I liked was the update
camera option on the opengl window. This would be useful for tweaking
your camera placement in real time, instead of running render after
render of trials. You could add the movement of objects and lights, but
then you are probably rebuilding Moray.
Isn't it customary to name a patch executable something other than
pvengine? That way people aren't overwriting their original pov engine
or having to rename it themselves.
Its looking good so far David. I'm sure you will have more believers as
you add features and complete this project.
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Skip Talbot wrote:
> Its looking good so far David. I'm sure you will have more believers as
> you add features and complete this project.
OK, it's sounding more and more interesting, but could we please get a
but more information on it? Including screenshots? I'm starting to get
some idea of whats going on from following the thread but as I don't use
windows I can't play :)
Rick Measham
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On Tue, 20 Sep 2005 17:12:27 +1000, Rick Measham <rickm*at%isite.net.au>
> could we please get a
> but more information on it? Including screenshots?
...and with differences, advantages, disadvantages to
http://www.daylongraphics.com/other/povray/patches/ ?
I guess POV version is one thing.
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