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I got this link from a newsletter about webdesign:
There you can find a lot of wallpapers that are tileable. The terms of
use are in some cases very strict, but the graphics are free for arts
and crafts projects.
Just my two eurocents,
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Bonsai wrote:
> Hi,
> I got this link from a newsletter about webdesign:
> http://www.theinspirationgallery.com/
> There you can find a lot of wallpapers that are tileable. The terms of
> use are in some cases very strict, but the graphics are free for arts
> and crafts projects.
> Just my two eurocents,
> Bonsai
It is easy to make tileable textures using povray,
using just the povray scripting language.
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povray wrote:
> It is easy to make tileable textures using povray, using just the povray
> scripting language.
I know, I know. Have you looked at the website? I found the damask
background images very interesting. I wonder, how you would do them with
POV-Ray SDL? ;-)
So long,
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Bonsai wrote:
> Hi,
> I got this link from a newsletter about webdesign:
> http://www.theinspirationgallery.com/
> There you can find a lot of wallpapers that are tileable. The terms of
> use are in some cases very strict, but the graphics are free for arts
> and crafts projects.
> Just my two eurocents,
> Bonsai
Thank you very much for pointing this site out, I've been looking for
something like this for months. Now I can finish the project I was
working on.
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Anthony D. Baye wrote:
> Now I can finish the project I was working on.
Are you planning to show it to us in p.b.images?
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