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I'm trying out a number of media renders. In this process I'm iterating
round a loop of...
tinker with the settings
tinker with the settings
tinker with the settings
tinker with the settings
Oh hang on, it was better two iterations ago. What were the setting then???
Darn, I've forgotten!
So what I'm looking for is a tool/facility/add-on that allows me to keep
tinkering with a pov file and saves the source and rendered file away
without me having to manually rename everything everytime.
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in news:42cc04d2@news.povray.org Josh wrote:
> So what I'm looking for is a tool/facility/add-on that allows me to
> keep tinkering with a pov file and saves the source and rendered file
> away without me having to manually rename everything everytime.
Maybe subversion is the tool you need:
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Josh wrote:
> So what I'm looking for is a tool/facility/add-on that allows me to keep
> tinkering with a pov file and saves the source and rendered file away
> without me having to manually rename everything everytime.
Create a subdirectory named after the date (down to the second) and copy
all the files into it? This is pretty easy as a batch file in either
Windows or Unix. (Well, trivial in Unix, really. Getting the date into a
format without special characters on Windows is a little tricky.)
Darren New / San Diego, CA, USA (PST)
The samba was clearly inspired
by the margarita.
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Josh wrote:
> I'm trying out a number of media renders. In this process I'm iterating
> round a loop of...
> tinker with the settings
> render
> think
> tinker with the settings
> render
> think
> tinker with the settings
> render
> think
> tinker with the settings
> render
> think
> Oh hang on, it was better two iterations ago. What were the setting then???
> Darn, I've forgotten!
> So what I'm looking for is a tool/facility/add-on that allows me to keep
> tinkering with a pov file and saves the source and rendered file away
> without me having to manually rename everything everytime.
Sounds suspiciously like version control to me. Have you googled for
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ingo wrote:
> Maybe subversion is the tool you need:
> http://subversion.tigris.org/
A subversion/cvs Gui Extension would be da bomb!
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Thanks for your input guys, but it looks like I'm going to have to write
something myself. I think I'll call it... "Tinker".
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in news:42cc435a$1@news.povray.org Tom Galvin wrote:
>> Maybe subversion is the tool you need:
>> http://subversion.tigris.org/
> A subversion/cvs Gui Extension would be da bomb!
Have not tried it, but you can probably automate it a lot with a clever
setup of Post_Scene_Commands in the main ini-file already.
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From: Greg M Johnson
Subject: Re: Looking for a POV add- on or similar
Date: 8 Jul 2005 20:48:06
Message: <42cf1ec6@news.povray.org>
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Try animation. You don't have to rename the file, you just save. I
frequently use this approach when composing, even stills.
"Josh" <s### [at] a com> wrote in message news:42cc04d2@news.povray.org...
> I'm trying out a number of media renders. In this process I'm iterating
> round a loop of...
> tinker with the settings
> render
> think
> tinker with the settings
> render
> think
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"Josh" <s### [at] a com> wrote:
> Thanks for your input guys, but it looks like I'm going to have to write
> something myself. I think I'll call it... "Tinker".
Can you make it available when you finish? I'm tired of saving as
sceneXX.pov :P
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brandon wrote:
> Can you make it available when you finish? I'm tired of saving as
> sceneXX.pov :P
What OS are you using? It's a one-line shell script under Unix that you
could either invoke from a terminal or click on the desktop. I could
give you something for Windows the same way almost as easily. (Except
that the Windows shell isn't quite as sophisticated and the "date"
command is too user-friendly there. :-)
Darren New / San Diego, CA, USA (PST)
The samba was clearly inspired
by the margarita.
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