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As some of you may know and have been accustomed during quite many
years, I'm a teaching assistant in the computer graphics course here
at TUT and every year we have a POV-Ray assignment (and every year
I post an url to the results here).
As last year, also this year the POV-Ray assignment was non-mandatory
and gives less points than in previous years, which naturally causes
the average quality of the works to drop somewhat. But anyways, if
anyone is interested in what newbies can do with POV-Ray as a school
(The majority of the students have never used POV-Ray before.)
- Warp
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Warp wrote:
> As some of you may know and have been accustomed during quite many
> years, I'm a teaching assistant in the computer graphics course here
> at TUT and every year we have a POV-Ray assignment (and every year
> I post an url to the results here).
> As last year, also this year the POV-Ray assignment was non-mandatory
> and gives less points than in previous years, which naturally causes
> the average quality of the works to drop somewhat. But anyways, if
> anyone is interested in what newbies can do with POV-Ray as a school
> assignment:
> http://www.cs.tut.fi/~tgraf/harjoitustyot/povkuvat/
> (The majority of the students have never used POV-Ray before.)
For my own interest, what would these students be majoring in?
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Seems they are all plenty capable of working in POV.
I like the elephant on raft picture just for its uniqueness. Others show
good lighting, CSG, use of camera views and reflections-- possibly while
loops, too. Since I'll probably be at some intermediate level in POV--
always --these people do fine for beginners from my vantage point. ;^)
Found out the book in one of those says Computer Graphics. I was having
trouble figuring out that word 'tietonoke' until doing some translating. :)
Bob Hughes
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The "tvtaso" image of the furniture reminded me of something I made a while
ago when I was trying to get a better idea of no-lights radiosity. The
cabinet thing is almost identical. I've posted an image in the binaries
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