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POV-Ray 3.7.beta.3 is available from http://www.povray.org/beta/. This time
we have also included an SSE2 build for win32 users.
Changes between 3.7.beta.2 and 3.7.beta.3
Partial render (start col/row etc) now works
Fixed CSG merge issue reported in <42645c3b@news.povray.org>.
Added warning and better progress reporting to photons.
Some hollow media fixes.
Re-enabled alpha display in render window for windows port.
Fixed alpha bug reported in <web.426402d627a031d914107e060@news.povray.org>
Fixed no_image bug reported in <web.426402d627a031d914107e060@news.povray.org>
Changed default bounding threshold back to 3 as per v3.6.
Fixed alpha inversion bug in BMP, Targa, and PNG file reading/writing.
Fixed crash mentioned in <42689685@news.povray.org>.
Fixed noise generator default issue reported in <426898db@news.povray.org>.
Fixed irid problem reported in <42680b39@news.povray.org>.
Fix for area light problem from Massimo Valentini.
Made quick_colour work as it should.
-- Chris
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Nice splash =)
(Actually, not too crazy about the text on it. Seems every time I see the
words "POV-Ray," they're in a different font/color/size. Shouldn't there be
a consistent look, that fits with the logo?)
- Slime
[ http://www.slimeland.com/ ]
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In povray.beta-test Chris Cason <nos### [at] deletethis povray org> wrote:
> POV-Ray 3.7.beta.3 is available from http://www.povray.org/beta/. This time
> we have also included an SSE2 build for win32 users.
The difference in speed between the pvengine.exe and the pvengine-sse2.exe
is quite remarkable at least in my pentium4 machine. The latter is more
than twice as fast as the former.
Incredible what a big difference the choice of a compiler can have... :)
- Warp
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Chris Cason wrote:
> Fix for area light problem from Massimo Valentini.
> -- Chris
Using the SSE2 build, I still see weird artifacts in the beta 3 version.
I have posted to povray.betatest.binaries the arealight sample rendered
in 3.6 vs 3.7b3, this was rendered using the arealit1.pov sample scene.
Things! Billions of them!
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Warp wrote:
> In povray.beta-test Chris Cason <nos### [at] deletethis povray org> wrote:
>> POV-Ray 3.7.beta.3 is available from http://www.povray.org/beta/. This time
>> we have also included an SSE2 build for win32 users.
> The difference in speed between the pvengine.exe and the pvengine-sse2.exe
> is quite remarkable at least in my pentium4 machine. The latter is more
> than twice as fast as the former.
> Incredible what a big difference the choice of a compiler can have... :)
Actually even more so when I discover that I accidentally included the MSVC
compile for pvengine.exe. Sorry about that, new binary on the way now.
-- Chris
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Really fantastic improvement for pentium4!
Any optimization for AMD too...?
> Actually even more so when I discover that I accidentally included the
> compile for pvengine.exe. Sorry about that, new binary on the way now.
> -- Chris
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Paolo Gibellini wrote:
> Really fantastic improvement for pentium4!
> Any optimization for AMD too...?
The sse2 version should run well on AMD processors that support it. Or you
could run Windows XP 64 on the AMD64 and see it fly* ;-)
-- Chris
* apart from the fact that it has SSE2, the AMD64 also had additional
registers which allow for a parameter-passing in register scheme and more
efficient code in general. this improves performance noticably.
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Chris Cason wrote:
> The sse2 version should run well on AMD processors that support it. Or you
> could run Windows XP 64 on the AMD64 and see it fly* ;-)
BTW since you have both Windows and Linux running on AMD64 IIRC - did
you ever make a direct comparison (with the 3.6 codebase) of the
optimized Windows 64bit build with the gcc build on Linux? The
performance gain of 32->64bit on Linux is significant but i don't have
the direct comparison with Windows.
POV-Ray tutorials, include files, Sim-POV,
HCR-Edit and more: http://www.tu-bs.de/~y0013390/
Last updated 03 May. 2005 _____./\/^>_*_<^\/\.______
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Ok, ok, i *must* upgrade my processor...
> The sse2 version should run well on AMD processors that support it. Or you
> could run Windows XP 64 on the AMD64 and see it fly* ;-)
> -- Chris
> * apart from the fact that it has SSE2, the AMD64 also had additional
> registers which allow for a parameter-passing in register scheme and more
> efficient code in general. this improves performance noticably.
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Christoph Hormann wrote:
> BTW since you have both Windows and Linux running on AMD64 IIRC - did
> you ever make a direct comparison (with the 3.6 codebase) of the
> optimized Windows 64bit build with the gcc build on Linux? The
> performance gain of 32->64bit on Linux is significant but i don't have
> the direct comparison with Windows.
No, I don't think I did.
-- Chris
PS only just saw this posting because you (or your newsreader) removed the
beta-test group from the newsgroup line (I wasn't following this thread in
p.general since it was also appearing in p.beta-test).
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